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Mint Mask Recipe

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Mint Mask Recipe Mint MaskIt is one of the skin masks that has an important place in natural care. It cleans the skin deeply and opens the clogged pores.

The skin, which breathes more easily, renews itself more easily, so you can be younger and more well-groomed. Mint mask moisturizes the skin, helps it look smooth and more beautiful. Those who want to refresh and rejuvenate their skin with few ingredients how to make a mint mask You can find the answer to the question and 2 different recipes in this article.

Recipe and Application of Mint Mask

Boil the mint with water in a pot. Infuse the mint you boiled for 5 minutes. Then, take as much of this mint juice as you will use into a small bowl and add moisturizing cream on it and mix it well. The point you need to pay attention to here is not to add too much mint juice to the moisturizing cream you will use. Excessively diluted cream may bleed while applying. For this reason, you can add mint juice little by little until it reaches a consistency that can be applied to the cream.

Apply the mint mask you have prepared to your face and neck and apply it well and leave it on your face for 10 minutes to take effect. Finally, you can finish the application by rinsing your face with warm water. You can use this mask twice a week to feel the refreshing effect of mint on your face.

Ingredients for Mint Mask

  • 1 tablespoon of dried mint
  • 2 tablespoons of moisturizing cream
  • 1 teacup of water

Mint Mask Recipe by Suna Dumankaya

In the television programs he participated in and on many websites Beauty masks from Suna Dumankaya is published. In this mask, unlike the first mask, fresh mint is used instead of dry mint, and there is also apple, which is a very beneficial fruit for the skin. The materials required for the production of this mask, which is beneficial to the skin and the budget, which the users say they are satisfied with, are as follows:

Suna Dumankaya Skin Masks

Ingredients for Suna Dumankaya Mint Mask

  • 20 grams of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 apple

Making and Application of the Mask

Boil mint leaves and water in a coffee pot or teapot. Once it has boiled enough, take it off the stove and wait for it to cool for a while. Meanwhile, peel and grate the apple. In a glass bowl, mix the grated apple and mint juice well with the help of a spoon. Apply the mint mask you prepared by massaging your face. After keeping it on your face for 20 minutes, wash it off with lukewarm water.

mint mask It is an easy-to-use mask that can be prepared and applied in all seasons, summer and winter. If you use it regularly, your skin will always be clean, bright and smooth.


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