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Melon Mask for Clean Skin

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Melon Mask for Clean Skin, It is a type of mask suitable for all skin types. You can protect the beauty and freshness of your skin by making this mask that nourishes and repairs the skin regularly. Like skin masks made with other fruit, the melon mask has a refreshing effect on the skin, as well as a cooling effect on the skin.

Benefits of Melon Mask for Skin

  • The melon mask cleans the skin deeply and allows it to breathe comfortably. The skin, whose pores are opened, breathes more easily and it becomes easier to renew itself.
  • Melon mask moisturizes the skin. In this sense, it is a natural and effective moisturizer for dry skin types.
  • By adjusting the oil balance of oily skin, it also prevents the removal of blackheads, acne and pimples caused by oiliness and the formation of new ones.
  • It is also effective in delaying signs of aging such as wrinkles and skin sagging.
  • A melon mask can also be used to remove dark circles under the eyes. It nourishes and cares for the sensitive skin here without harming it.
  • It is also effective in removing acne blemishes and other skin blemishes. natural care product.

We would like to share with those who want to feel the freshness and regenerative effect of the melon mask on their skin. how to make a melon mask We answer the question.

Melon Mask Recipe for Clean Skin

Necessary materials

  • 1 slice of melon
  • 3 almonds
  • 1 coffee spoon of lemon juice
  • 3 coffee spoons of milk

Construction and Application

Mash the almonds well by pounding them in a mortar. Then put the specified amount of milk, crushed almonds and melon in the blender and mix well. Massage the melon mask you pour into a glass bowl and massage it on your clean face. Let the mask take effect for about 15 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water. When you apply this mask regularly once a week, you will have smoother and fresher skin.

Pervin Bulgak Anti-Cellulite Mask Recipe

Skin Tightening Melon Mask

You can apply this mask once a week to make your skin look tighter and younger. In this way, you can postpone the sagging and wrinkles that may occur on your face to a later date.

Necessary materials

Application of the Mask

In the making of the mask, the peel will be used, not the melon itself. Wash the melon well and with the help of a knife, peel the skin from the top, not too thick. Pass these melon peels through the blender and puree them. Then apply the mask to your clean skin and leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it off with warm water to clean the mask.

Moisturizing Melon Mask

If you want to restore the lost moisture to your dry skin, you can solve this problem by applying the mask recipe we will give you once a week.


  • half melon
  • 1 coffee spoon of pollen
  • 1 tablespoon of powdered milk

Construction and Application

Remove the inside of the melon with the help of a spoon and place it in a glass bowl. After mashing it well, add milk powder and pollen to it and mix it until it reaches the consistency of a mask. After applying it to your face, wait 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Melon Mask for All Skin Types

With this mask, which you will apply once a week, you can have a more radiant and smooth skin by giving your skin the nourishing and restorative care it needs.

Necessary materials

  • 1 slice of melon
  • 1 glass of water

Application of the Mask

Put the melon slice and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then, pass the material you take from the stove through the blender and turn it into a mask. After waiting for 15 minutes, the mask you apply to your face with your fingertips, wash your face and complete the application.

melon mask It is a skin care mask that can meet all the needs of your skin. It cleanses the skin from toxins and contributes to its youth and freshness.


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