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Marriage without sex? See what you can do –

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If you find yourself in a sexless marriage or unhappy with the sex you and your partner are having, the first step is to communicate this with your partner and explore ways you can find the intimacy you each need.

There are many reasons a relationship can become sexless, and many are treatable. Dealing with sexual issues in a relationship can be very difficult, but you don’t have to deal with it alone.

The first step is to recognize that you have a low-sex or no-sex marriage and determine if the lack of sex is a problem for your marriage. Whether you consider a sex-less or sexless marriage a serious matter is entirely up to you and your partner.

There is no such thing as the right amount of sex in a marriage. What is more important, in many cases, is whether you still have physical and emotional intimacy with your partner, and whether both you and your partner are satisfied in your marriage.

Avoid comparing your marriage to others because every relationship is unique. While you may come across statistics that make you feel like you and your partner aren’t having enough sex, research has found that going without sex is more common than you think.

Here are some ways you can deal with the lack of sex in your marriage if it’s a problem for you and your partner.

Get in touch

Talk to your partner about the issue of little or no sex in your marriage. It can be difficult, but this communication is necessary. Even otherwise strong relationships can have problems with sex and intimacy. It’s not necessarily a sign that your marriage is weak or in trouble.

A lack of sex might just mean you need to talk more and spend more time together as a couple.

If you need help learning how to talk to your partner, consider talking to a mental health professional or therapist first for ideas on how to approach the topic. It’s important to keep the conversation positive and not let your partner feel attacked or blamed.

Every marriage is different and you will need to work together as a couple to figure out what works for you. Don’t try to live up to other people’s expectations or what you think is normal. Talk about what each of you wants, needs and expects. Then work together to make it work for both of you.

As you talk, try to identify ways you both think you can rekindle your sex life. Making a change will only work if you both agree to change and work together.

Create intimacy

If you’ve decided you want to have more sex, consider working sex into your schedule. It may sound unromantic, but it can also be exciting and special if done the right way. Planning gives you something to look forward to and shows a commitment to each other and your physical relationship.

Beyond sex, it’s also important to explore other ways of building intimacy that is often lost in low-sex or no-sex relationships. Physical intimacy doesn’t just involve sex. Make an effort to renew your love and create that special spark.

Spending more time together, whether you’re curled up on the couch watching TV or taking turns massaging each other, creates intimacy.

Ask for help

Depending on the underlying causes, seeking outside help may also be a good option. You can try a marriage counselor, workshop or seminar to help with communication and connection.

Consult a doctor to address any underlying medical conditions that may be affecting your sex life. Seek support from a mental health professional together or separately to strengthen communication skills or learn stress management techniques.

Will a sexless marriage lead to divorce?

While there is a lack of recent research on the topic, past studies have shown that lower sexual satisfaction and sexual frequency are associated with dissolution of weddings. According to a 2015 study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, το having more sex indicates greater well-being for people in relationships, but only up to once a week. At studymore of them didn’t.

Being unhappy with your sex life can create problems in a relationship. This means that the lack of sex itself is not necessarily a problem, but rather any dissatisfaction associated with the lack of sex.

If you’re not satisfied with the amount of sex you and your partner are having, you may wonder if your relationship can be sustained. THE making a decision to end your marriage it can be very complicated. There are many different factors that can contribute to feeling sexually satisfied in a partnership, and they can vary from person to person.

If your partner doesn’t agree that there’s a problem in your marriage and doesn’t want to change, you’ll have to decide whether a low- or no-sex marriage is frustrating for you and make your decisions accordingly.


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