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Macron admits major shortcomings in France’s healthcare system

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Macron met with healthcare professionals at the Southern France Hospital Center in Corbeil-Essonnes in the Ile-de-France region, including the capital city of Paris, and made statements about updating France’s health system.

“Today, we have 6 million citizens who do not have a family doctor. By the end of the year, 600 thousand patients with chronic diseases will seek a doctor for treatment.” Macron said that they will increase the amount of payment they make to physicians who accept new patients and follow their patients permanently.

Macron stated that they will reorganize the working time planning in hospitals and update the existing health system until June.

Macron admits major shortcomings in France's healthcare system - 1


Criticizing the strict attitude of health workers not to work more than 35 hours, the French President pointed out the necessity of overtime in hospitals.

Macron stated that there have been important deficiencies in the health system since 2018, and that he is aware of the anxiety and weariness experienced by health workers due to overworking hours, and that they are trying to cope with this crisis.

“More than half of the doctors in the country are over the age of 60,” said Macron, pointing out that the number of doctors will decrease as a significant part of them will retire.

Noting that France has invested 19 billion euros in the health system and the health budget has increased to 50 billion euros in 3 years, Macron stated that if it is not prevented, the health system will worsen in the future and that measures should be increased.

Macron criticizes those who do not go to their appointments in health institutions and stated that they will make arrangements in health insurance to prevent this.

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