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Leek Mask Recipe

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Leek Mask RecipeIt is a skin care application that is easy to make and creates wonderful effects on the skin. Among the natural care applications, there are many different masks made with vegetables other than masks made with fruits, peeling and cures. The leek mask is one of these masks made with vegetables, and it is not known by many people.

Skin Benefits of Leek Mask

Benefits of leek mask for skin If you ask what it is, we can say that the vitamins B, C and K contained in the leek make the skin smooth and shiny just like a porcelain. Due to the sulfur it contains, it is an extremely effective mask for removing acne and acne scars. acne masks Leek mask, which is one of the most effective among them, is also very advantageous in terms of being easily made and applied at home. How to make a leek mask If you are wondering, the making and application of the mask is below. Those who wish can easily apply this mask, which is easily made with few materials, at home and can see the change in their skin with their own eyes.

How to Wax at Home?

Necessary Ingredients for Leek Mask

  • 1 leek
  • 1 coffee spoon of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of milk

Making and Application of the Mask

First, with the help of a knife, separate the green part of the leek from the white part. It is the white part that is necessary for us in the making of the mask. Put the white of the leek in a food processor and mash it. Then put the leek in a glass bowl, add olive oil and milk slowly and mix well.

Let the prepared material rest for 10 minutes. Then take a strainer and take the filtered leek juice into a small bowl and put it in the refrigerator. You can use it as a natural tonic to cleanse your skin when needed. Leek puree remaining in the strainer is the material we will use for the mask.

Apply this on your face with circular movements, leave it for 10 minutes for it to take effect, and then wash your face with warm water and rinse well. Finally, complete the application by applying your moisturizing cream. Leek mask It can be applied once a week by those who have acne problems or who want to give their skin a smooth and lively appearance.

We give you leek mask recipe You can have a more beautiful and problem-free skin by applying natural care to your skin easily.


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