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Lawsuit against family refusing baby vaccination and heel blood screening

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Melike Sahin / Istanbul

from newborn babies heel blood A family that refused to receive the vaccine also did not have childhood vaccinations.


City in which they are located Directorate of Family and Social Servicescomplained about the family. Baby It was requested to take “health measures” for the court, the judicial process started.


Commenting on the subject Istanbul University Faculty of Law Lecturer Prof. Dr. Adem Sözüer“Our laws state that the principle of the best interests of the child must be observed first. In other words, when the child’s health is a matter of both physical and mental health, the obligation of the family here is to do whatever is necessary for that child’s physical and mental health. Not fulfilling this obligation is both a crime and requires other measures.

A small amount of blood is drawn from the heel of newborn babies in the first 72 hours.

Thanks to this blood screening, hereditary and metabolic diseases, including SMA, are detected early and treatment can be started before permanent damage occurs.

Thousands of babies’ lives are saved each year thanks to heel blood screening.

Lawsuit against family refusing baby vaccination and heel blood screening - 1

Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine Lecturer Prof. Dr. Adem Aydin He said, “Fifty years ago, my 1000 babies were born, 134 of them did not reach the age of one. Look how big of a problem it is. But now it’s eight thousandths. It has been proven that screenings depend on factors such as the availability of vaccines.” He said.

However, in addition to vaccine rejection, there are families who do not want their babies to have heel blood taken. But does being a parent give you the right to risk your child’s health?

Sözüer said, “Yes, your child is your child, but your child is not like an item in your home, you cannot say whether you want to buy or sell. When the child’s best interests are in question, custody is taken from you when necessary and in this regard TürkiyeThere are necessary laws in . Unfortunately, these laws are not effectively enforced. We wish our laws to be implemented effectively,” he said.

Aydın also said, “Getting vaccinated is a child’s right. You know, the World Health Organization and UNICEF are based on the best interests of the child. Therefore, when you look at it as the best interest of the child, I think that screening should not be left to the family,” he said.

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