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It has been announced that some hospitals in Germany may go bankrupt

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According to the report published by the German Hospitals Association (DKG), 56 percent of hospitals in the country are expected to worsen in 2023.

There is also a problem in finding qualified health personnel in hospitals in the country. 3 out of 4 hospitals have difficulty in filling the nurse shortage.

In the report, it was stated that the nurse shortage, which was 14 thousand 400 last year, increased to 20 thousand 600, and the personnel deficit in intensive care units reached 9 thousand 500 with an increase of 20 percent.

Gerald Gass, President of the German Hospitals Association, told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) “In 2023, a wave of bankruptcies is coming towards our hospitals that is hard to stop.”

Stating that the Covid-19 outbreak showed that they needed to have a strong hospital system across the country, Gass warned, “We can no longer afford surprise closures.”

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