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Is your makeup still good after a year? –

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When you buy cosmetic products, you may not think that they have an expiration date. The shelf life of makeup products depends on the brand and type. Learn how to see the expiration date on makeup products.

How long is makeup good for?

Makeup products do not necessarily break down or become dangerous to use. The shelf life of cosmetics refers to how long your makeup maintains the expected quality. After the expiration date, the texture and color of your product may change.

Lifespan Factors

Your cosmetics deteriorate over time. The shelf life of makeup largely depends on how it is stored and used. Your makeup can last longer when you take the right precautions.​​

Using fingers. Avoid touching cosmetic products with your fingers. You should also avoid directly touching the brushes, pads and applicators you use to apply makeup. Your fingers carry bacteria and fungi that can cause your makeup to deteriorate faster.​​

Cleaning applications. You carry bacteria every time you put makeup on your skin, lips, and eyelashes. Clean your makeup tools regularly.

Save. Your makeup products break down faster if exposed to:

  • Sun light
  • Heat
  • Air
  • Temperature changes
  • Moisture

Be sure to store your cosmetics in a dark, cool place. You can use a drawer or cabinet away from heat and moisture. If you don’t store cosmetics properly, they have a shorter shelf life. Preservatives break down. The oil and water in some products may separate. Other products may dry out and not be used.

Understanding Makeup Expiration Dates

You can calculate how much makeup is good in two steps. First, look for a date printed on your makeup packaging. Your cosmetics expire by this date whether they are opened or not.

Then look for the number of months your product is good for after opening. Each product has a standard symbol with a number in the middle. After opening a cosmetic product, you can use it safely for so many months. Some makeup products are good for a year or more. Others have a shorter lifespan.

Eye makeup. Cosmetics such as eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara usually have a shorter shelf life than other products. For example, you can safely use mascara for 2 to 4 months. After that, you risk transferring bacteria and fungus back to the delicate skin around your eyes.​​

Additional makeup tips

Choose powder over liquid. If you want to bring more life to your products, buy powders. Cream or liquid makeup tends to have more oil and water in it, so it may not last as long. Powder makeup has less liquid, offering a longer shelf life.

Watch for changes in texture. If you notice that your makeup feels different, throw it away. For example, your mascara is bad when it dries. Do not add water or oil to make it last longer or you risk contamination.

Do not share cosmetics. You might be tempted to borrow a friend’s eyeshadow or blush, but don’t. Sharing makeup spreads bacteria. This includes testing makeup in stores before purchasing. If you are testing makeup, use a new applicator. Test the product on the back of your hand instead of your face.

Don’t buy used. You may be putting your health at risk by buying makeup from second-hand flea markets or online resellers because you don’t know how long ago the original buyer got the products or how they stored the makeup. You also run the risk of getting products that are not the original brand. You may not have the option to return products if they are not what you expect.


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