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In Europe, where the flu epidemic is experienced, there are problems in the supply of medicine

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Covid-19 started to lose its effect Europe While the serious increase in influenza and its derivative respiratory diseases affects life negatively in Turkey, there are difficulties in the supply of drugs such as antibiotics in many countries.

In many countries in the old continent, in addition to influenza and similar upper respiratory tract diseases, the respiratory tract virus called “RSV” causes the disease to be severe in adults, especially children.

There are problems across the continent in the supply of drugs used to combat respiratory diseases that cause symptoms such as high fever, vomiting and joint pain.

Due to the high cost of drug production, the manufacturing Europe Due to the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 measures in countries such as China, disruptions may occur in the supply chain.


In the influenza update published by WHO on December 23, it was shared that influenza cases increased due to the spread of the H3N2 type of the virus in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes all of Europe.

Member countries were advised to closely monitor the circulation of the influenza virus as well as Covid-19.

Northern Hemisphere countries where the virus is more common have been called to increase the vaccination campaign to reduce the risks of hospitalization and severe infection due to the epidemic.

Health It was stated that employees should apply the “differential diagnosis” method in order to detect the virus, and test and treat according to the national guidelines of their countries.

It was noted that influenza cases were on the rise in Europe and Central Asia, generally A(H3N2) type in Europe and A(H1N1) in Central Asia.


Health and Food Safety Agency (AGES) shared the information that according to the tests carried out during the week of 19-25 December on its official website regarding influenza and similar diseases, approximately 479 thousand people across the country got these diseases.

Pointing out that upper respiratory tract diseases follow a different course compared to children and adults, experts stated that the disease, which lasts for an average of 4 days, shakes the health system of the country.

The Austrian Pharmacists Association announced on 15 December that 500 drugs, mainly antibiotics, could not be supplied, medicine He stated that the fact that the production is carried out outside of Europe causes problems in the supply chain.

In Europe, where the flu epidemic is experienced, there are problems in the supply of medicines - 1


According to the report of the National Public Health Agency of Greece (EODY), two people died due to the flu during the week of 19-25 December, and 7 people were treated in intensive care.

During a week, 26% of the tests were diagnosed with Covid-19, 14% with the flu, and 9% with the RSV virus.

Grip In the report, it was pointed out that the number of flu cases was on the rise compared to the previous week, and it was emphasized that the number of flu cases was higher in the 0-14 and over 65 age groups compared to the average of the 2019-2020 period before the Covid-19 epidemic.

In the news in the Greek press, it was stated that as a result of the increase in flu cases, there was a problem in the supply of antibiotics, analgesics and antipyretic drugs.

ΣΚΑΙ Speaking to TV, Greek Health Minister Thanos Plevris said that the situation in Europe due to increasing flu cases medicine Drawing attention to their problems, he stated that the sale of 260 drugs abroad is prohibited.

Plevris reported that drug stores were also checked in order to prevent stockpiling.


According to official data, total flu cases in Poland during the week of 16-22 December were recorded as 296 thousand 964. The disease was most common in the 0-4 age group.

During this period, one person died due to the flu.


There is an increase in flu cases across Switzerland.

In the graphic shared by the Ministry of Health for influenza and derivative diseases, it was reported that approximately 25 thousand new cases were registered on 17-23 December.

According to the report of the Federal Office of Public Health, the number of cases across the country doubled in two weeks in a row.

While the peak of flu cases in the last few years was reached before Christmas, it was recorded that normally flu cases occur at the end of January or February.


Increasing flu cases in Germany, the RSV virus epidemic, the Covid-19 epidemic, staff shortages and drug shortages brought the health system to the brink of crisis.

The President of the German Medical Association, Klaus Reinhardt, told the Tagesspiegel newspaper, drawing attention to the bottleneck in the supply of some medicines, and urging the public to “help each other by collaborative work”.

Pointing out that the unused drugs in the medicine cabinets can be evaluated, Reinhardt said, “If you are healthy, you should give the drugs in stock to the patients. There is a need for a kind of flea market-style organization for drugs.” used the phrases.

In Europe, where the flu epidemic is experienced, there are problems in the supply of medicine - 2


Increasing flu cases in the Netherlands, the RSV virus epidemic, the density in children’s hospitals and the shortage of medicines are straining the health system.

In a written statement from the National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM), affiliated to the Ministry of Health of the Netherlands, it was stated that there was an epidemic of influenza in the country and there has been a serious increase in flu cases since the beginning of December.

In the statement, it was stated that RSV respiratory tract virus was seen 4 times more than the previous year in the week of 19-25 December, while RSV virus increased 2 times in children under the age of 2 compared to the same period of 2021.

Nicole Hunfeld, Vice President of the Dutch Pharmacists Association (KNMP), said in a statement on Twitter that problems in drug supply worry patients and cause a waste of time for pharmacists looking for drugs.

“Pharmaceutical raw materials come from China and the resulting shortage affects the entire supply chain,” Hunfeld told Radio NPO1. While using the expression, he noted that there was a serious stock shortage especially in epilepsy and migraine drugs.


According to the data of the National Medicines Agency (ANSM), there was a shortage or shortage of nearly 3,000 medicines in France in 2022.

Faced with Covid-19, respiratory diseases and flu epidemics, it has become difficult to find painkillers and antibiotic-based drugs for children in pharmacies in France.

French Minister of Health, Francois Braun, drew attention to the occupancy of intensive care services due to the serious increase in flu cases in the country on December 28, 2022.

According to the data published by the French Public Health Agency on December 28, the number of people who came to the emergency room with flu or flu syndrome in the 51st week of 2022 in the country was 19,242. This number corresponds to an increase of 52 percent compared to the previous week.


According to the UK’s National Health System (NHS) data, a month ago, 520 people were treated in hospitals due to the flu, while 3,746 people were treated in hospitals for the same reason last week.

While 267 of the hospitalized patients were treated in intensive care last week, the NHS warned that the rise in flu cases continues to put pressure on health services.

In the same period last year, 34 flu cases per day and bed occupancy rate were recorded as 86 percent, while it was pointed out that this rate increased to 93 percent this year.

NHS National Medical Director Prof. Sir Stephen Powis, in his statement on the increase in flu cases, said:

“Unfortunately, these latest flu data show that our ‘twindemic’ fears have come true, with cases increasing 7x in just one month and the continued impact of Covid-19 hitting healthcare professionals hard.”

The number of sick NHS staff rose 20 percent from 52,556 to 63,296 by the end of last month.


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