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How to keep your glow this Christmas –

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Christmas is here and we’re already enjoying our favorite festive treats, staying up late to catch up with friends and enjoying more alcoholic beverages than usual! It’s all part of the holiday fun, but when you look in the mirror towards the end of the month, you usually find your once glowing skin looking tired, stressed and aged.

Unfortunately, having too much fun and forgetting to take care of our skin can lead to dehydrated, weak skin. So how can your skin survive December?

Luckily, there are some simple things you can do that will limit the damage while you enjoy the holidays and ensure glowing skin all Christmas long!

Stay hydrated? You’ve heard it many times before, but it’s so easy to forget when there’s plenty of champagne too! Alcohol dehydrates your skin and can lead to the formation of fine lines or make them more visible. Try drinking a glass of water in between your wine to ensure your glowing skin looks fresh the next morning. Even though the skin is the largest organ in your body, it is always the last to receive all the necessary nutrients, oxygen or water.

Do a skin treatment:Skin specialists can help you get a glow in your skin with specialized facial treatments.

Find time for beauty sleep: Your skin repairs and rejuvenates in deep sleep, but party season can mean lots of late nights where your skin won’t have time to renew itself. Try to sleep as much as you can and choose products that work on the skin while you sleep!

Take some personal time: Make sure you carve out some time for you in the holiday madness, it can be so easy to go full throttle and then burn out before the big day arrives. Make it your favorite massage to relax or your favorite body and face treatment, to feel good in soul and body.

Avoid sugar: Stay away from chocolates and all Christmas sweets. Sugar may give you that little boost of energy but it won’t help your skin. Sugar causes inflammation in the body that promotes glycosylation of your collagen fibers (i.e. they stop being elastic), which leads to wrinkles and loss of firmness in the skin.

Apply a revitalizing face mask: For a last-minute glow choose a glow mask, or with hydration. To get results, you need to let them work, so ideally you leave them on for 15 to 30 minutes.

And do not forget!

It can be tempting to flop into bed after getting home late, but you run the risk of clogging your pores with the day’s dirt and bacteria if you don’t remove your makeup.

Your skin will thank you the next morning with its usual glow!


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