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How to get rid of acne scars? Common misconceptions in acne scar treatment

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It is one of the most common skin problems of adolescence, known as acne among the people. “acne vulgaris” It is a recurrent disease of the hair follicle and its associated sebaceous glands. Acne usually occurs on the oily areas of the skin, such as the face, back, neck, chest, and sometimes on the shoulders and hips.

Although acne is not a vital problem, it can significantly affect a person’s psychology and social life. Acne requires lifelong treatment in some people. a chronic problem can become. For this reason, it is recommended that acne treatment be carried out under the supervision of a doctor and regularly.

Although skin problems caused by acne formation are encountered especially during adolescence, acne formation can be observed at later ages. Acne problem can be seen in 85% of adolescents at different rates, more or less.

The problem of acne can also be encountered in early childhood due to the effect of hormones passed from mother’s milk to the child. The acne problem, known as adolescence disease, can also be seen in adulthood. While adults can struggle with acne more easily, adolescent acne can increase the psychological disorders of individuals, the majority of them. 12-18 years old People with disabilities can go through a very difficult process in this regard.


Acne occurs as a result of the clogging of the fine hair unit orifices, known as pores, with the natural skin oil and dead skin particles, known as sebum, and inflamed as a result of the addition of bacteria, due to the effect of male hormones normally found in both sexes.

While oil production increases with the effect of hormones, first black and white spots occur, and then a suitable environment is provided for the reproduction of a bacteria normally found on the skin. Inflamed and non-inflamed blisters and cysts occur with the disintegration of the clogged and swollen hair unit over time. However, it should be known that acne is a microbial illness It is not contagious and is not contagious. Adolescence, menstrual period in women, stress times for both sexes, increase in some hormones are times when acne can be observed more intensely.


Acne spots that occur after acne treatment are not only a health problem, but also a problem that disturbs people visually and cosmetically. Some interventions, which are light peeling of the skin, which is one of the most used methods in acne spot treatments, are performed in dermatology clinics and by specialists. The most preferred applications are:

-Laser treatments (pulse dye laser, oil and co2 laser)

-Derma roller treatment (application of skin regenerating solutions by pricking tiny needles on the skin surface)

-Chemical peeling (application of certain chemical agents to the skin – peeling of the skin)

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Methods used in acne treatments and medicine During the treatment process, while the skin starts to heal, it also starts to produce a lot of collagen. This manifests itself by leaving scars on the skin in the form of redness, pitted appearance or bumps. There are some wrong practices that people often do in the treatment of acne scars. Some of them are as follows:

-By squeezing the pimple, it becomes more inflamed and spreads

Disrupting the sebum balance of the skin by washing the skin frequently

-Preparing the ground for acne formation on the skin by using an oily moisturizer

-Making acne scar treatment more difficult by not starting treatment with the thought that it will go away on its own

-Using home-made mixtures with hearsay information

The thought that puberty acne will not leave a trace

– Stopping the acne scar treatment started with the thought that it is not good

– Applying acne creams only on acne and not applying them to the entire skin.

The thought that tanning covers acne scars

Unconscious use of other people’s products


Acne is not contagious. If acne is not treated or if the acne is played with and squeezed, the tendency to leave scars may increase. There are drugs used to treat acne. Medication varies from person to person. Treatment is selected according to the severity of acne, location, gender and age of the person.

Cream treatment :

Creams containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinoic acid, azeleic acid are used to clear black and white spots, also called comedones. Antibiotic creams containing erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, sodium sulfacetamide, nadifloxacin can be used for inflamed acne. There are also creams consisting of combinations that act on both comedones and inflammatory lesions. A minimum of eight weeks of treatment is required for any particular benefit.

Systemic treatment :

In moderate and severe acne cases, oral medication is usually required. The most commonly used antibiotics are azithromycin and tetracycline group. In addition, isotretinoin, a vitamin A derivative, is also used systemically.

Other treatments

Apart from these, laser and peeling for acne (chemical skin peeling) skin care treatments such as

Since how long and how the treatment will be used may vary depending on the severity of acne and the skin type of the patient, it must be used under the supervision of a doctor.


Foods that can cause acne can be listed as follows:

People with acne tend to consume more refined carbohydrates than people with little or no acne.

Foods rich in refined carbohydrates include:

– Desserts made with bread, crackers, cereal or white flour,

-White rice and rice noodles,

– Pasta made with white flour,

-Soda and other sugary drinks

– Sweeteners such as cane sugar, maple syrup, honey or agave

In a study, it was determined that people who frequently consume added sugar have a 30% higher risk of developing acne.

Milk is also known to increase insulin levels, which can worsen acne severity, regardless of its effects on blood sugar. Cow’s milk also contains amino acids that stimulate the liver to produce more IGF-1 linked to acne development.

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Cleanse Your Skin Twice A Day

If you have acne-prone skin, you need to clean your skin twice a day. It is recommended that people with oily skin use oil-free creams containing salicylic acid for skin care. It is also an important detail that the sponges or brushes you use for facial cleaning do not abrade the skin.

Use Tonic

By using tonic, you can get rid of dirt and excess oil on the skin. The tonic also contributes to maintaining the PH balance of your skin. If your skin is not oily, you should avoid using tonic to avoid unnecessary dryness.

Protect your skin from the sun

The most important rule of having a healthy skin is to avoid the sun. The UVA and UVB rays of the sun damage your skin, wear it down and age it. To prevent this, choose long-sleeved and thin clothes that will cover your skin in summer. Against the abrasive effects of the sun, use sunscreen not only on the beaches but whenever you are outside.

Acne Scars and Cosmetic Products

Products containing active ingredients such as salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and sulfur help reduce the negative effects of acne on your skin.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

A moist skin is one of the important steps of healthy skin. If you don’t keep your skin moist, your skin will be dry and vulnerable to infections.


Depending on the hormonal fluctuations that change during pregnancy, some people experience acne breakouts or previous acne spots. Although the treatments to be done in this case are limited, there are safe solutions. Acne spot applications that can be safely done during pregnancy are as follows:

Keeping the skin clean with natural skin cleansers

-Using anti-acne creams containing topical benzoyl peroxide, azelaic acid, topical salicylic acid and glycolic acid, used under doctor control

-Using light-textured sunscreen suitable for pregnant women


Brown acne spots create an image that disturbs the person aesthetically. The course of the treatment is important for the applications to be made according to the season, age and skin type of the person. In acne spots, there are some special methods applied by specialists in clinics. The main ones are as follows:

-PRP applications (the blood taken from the person himself is separated from the plasma by special processes and injected into himself again)

-Golden needle application (with a special device, by entering the lower layer of the skin, the controlled damage provides collagen production and removes dark acne spots)

-Dermapen (providing the skin to produce collagen and elastin by piercing with small needles) applications.


Omega 3 fatty acids, together with vitamin E and zinc in its content, prevent skin aging by playing a role in wound healing and removal of tissue damage. Omega 3 fatty acids, which play a role in cell regeneration, are especially high in fish.

Sardines and salmon from seafood are the best sources of Omega 3. 100 grams of sardines contain 1.5 grams of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory effects, which is one of the main causes of acne.

Among the skin-friendly foods that can be good for acne, there are foods containing probiotics (yogurt, cheese, kefir, ayran…). Green tea contains polyphenols associated with reduced inflammation and reduced sebum production. Green tea is good for acne by helping to reduce the amount of oil in the skin. However, turmeric helps regulate blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, and inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria.

Foods containing vitamins A, D, E; It plays an important role in skin health and can help prevent acne.

In summary; A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, green tea, fruits and vegetables; May be protective against acne formation. Vitamins A, D, and E and zinc can also help prevent acne.

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