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How to Choose Foundation Suitable for Skin Type?

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How to Choose Foundation Suitable for Skin Type? FoundationIt is a method applied to camouflage the roughness and stains on the face. This application should be done carefully, as it creates the basis for the make-up to be made.

Choosing the wrong foundation and making the application incorrectly can give the face an artificial appearance as if a mask has been applied. In this article, we will learn how to choose a foundation suitable for skin type, how to apply foundation We will share our views on this issue with the ladies by touching on issues such as:

How to Choose Foundation Suitable for Skin Type?

Selection of foundation suitable for skin type The first point we should pay attention to is, of course, choosing a foundation suitable for the color of our skin. Choosing a foundation that contrasts with the color of our skin will make our face look like a sloppy wall. In addition, we should choose the covering feature of the foundation we will choose according to the condition of our skin.

If we have acne, pimples and some spots on our skin, we should prefer thicker and darker foundations. If there is no problem that we need to hide on our face, we can only use thin liquid foundations to base our makeup. If we have dry skin, we can take precautions to prevent our skin from drying out more by choosing water-based foundations.

How to Apply Foundation?

How to Apply Foundation A brush or make-up sponge is used for the process. Which of these to use depends on the foundation to be applied. Thick foundations should be applied with a make-up sponge and this sponge should be slightly damp. In this way, the foundation is evenly distributed without creating a stained appearance on the face. When applying liquid foundation, a brush is used instead of a sponge.

The foundation should be used sparingly and spread over the face nicely. Applying foundation should be started from the middle of the face and should be applied by moving towards the point where the hair starts. Care should be taken to apply enough foundation towards the roots of the hair.

When the foundation is applied with a brush, a small amount of the product is applied to the brush and brought to the area where the application will be made and spread to the other sides of the face by drawing circular circles.

If you notice that you are applying too much after applying the foundation, you can remove the excess with the help of a sponge.

In order for the foundation application to look natural, the density should be in the middle of the face, and care should be taken that there is no excess on the edges. When applying foundation with a sponge or brush, these should not be brought too close to the eyebrows.

Using foundation correctly If you want to, do not forget that you should choose a quality and suitable product for this and that applying less foundation will always make you look younger.

How to apply foundation video You can watch the video below for the view. How to apply foundation Sebi Bebi video You can achieve a flawless beauty.


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