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How rhinitis and sinusitis can affect your sex life –

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“I have a headache.” “I am very tired.” “I don’t feel so good.”

The reason you might not be in the mood for intimacy isn’t always just how you feel physically. But it can certainly start there.

Studies by ear, nose and throat specialists at the Cleveland Clinic found that the allergic rhinitis and the years sinusitis significantly affect the desire for sex.

And considering that up to 40% of the US population has allergic rhinitis and 30 to 40 million people have chronic sinusitis, this could be a huge shock to romantic relationships!

I’m not in the mood, and here’s why

Allergic rhinitis means chronic inflammation with swelling and itching of the nasal passages usually caused by dust, pollen or dander allergies. The result? Runny nose, stuffy nose.

In chronic sinusitis, the inflammation also affects your sinuses and causes discoloration of the drainage, congestion and pressure on the face. There are many causes, including infections, allergies, and other environmental irritants.

Certainly not ideal conditions to cheer you up.

According to the ear, nose and throat specialist Michael Benninger, MD there are many reasons why these conditions affect the desire for sex: “People with these symptoms don’t feel well, are often chronically fatigued, and may not sleep very well on top of their other symptoms,” she says. As a result, they don’t feel sexy – which can also cause a decrease in their desire to engage in sexual activity.

“Even the simple act of kissing is not perceived as pleasant with a stuffy or runny nose,” she says. “When you’re dealing with these symptoms, physical exercise of any kind is probably the last thing you want to do.”

The sensual side of scent

It’s also true that if you can’t smell your partner, you may have more trouble getting aroused since olfaction has a conscious and unconscious role in sex.

What can you do

The good news is that treating the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis seems to improve sexual activity. Both conditions can be treated with a variety of medications that your specialist will recommend, while chronic rhinosinusitis can also be treated surgically.

The path to more intimacy in your life can often come from deciding to first address the symptoms that make you uncomfortable.

If these improve, you will feel better, sleep better, smell even better. This can lead to you feeling better psychologically and enjoying your private moments.


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