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How many calories do you burn during sex? –

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Doing sex of course calories are burned. But not so many that you stop exercising! The benefits of having sex are many, but rarely do people think that having sex also burns calories.

According to experts, men burn about 100 calories during sex while the women about 70. In particular, researches from time to time have come to the conclusion that a man during sex can burn an average of 9.2 calories per minute while a woman burns 7.1 calories per minute. Therefore, the longer the sex lasts, the more calories are burned.

Of course, it depends kind of sex you have —specifically, how active you are during and how long have you been doing it

In 2013, scientists from the University of Montreal tried to answer this question by asking 21 heterosexual couples to wear το SenseWear fitness tracker during their love affair. The couples also ran on a treadmill for 30 minutes to compare their sexual exercise to real exercise.

The results, which were published in the journal PLOS ONE, concluded that the men burn 100 calories during the average sex session , while women burn about 69 calories. The researchers estimated that men burn about 4.2 calories per minute during sex, while women burn 3.1 calories.

Some tips to burn more calories during sex are the following:

-Sex after eating is not a good idea, unless it is a light romantic dinner where the quantities consumed were not great. After eating, the body gets heavier and definitely needs its time for the digestion process. Therefore, sex right after eating is not recommended.

-A shower before sex is a good idea not only for hygiene reasons but because with a shower the body wakes up. Especially if the water is not hot, the body comes alive and with it your endurance. More endurance means more sex and therefore more calories burned.

– Alcohol before sex is not recommended. Alcohol dehydrates the body and makes you feel more tired than you would have been before consuming it. It definitely relaxes you but if you think about it again… it’s not exactly what you want.

-Changing positions during sex is not only interesting as it makes sex more enjoyable but also makes you burn more calories.


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