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How do the oil glands under the eyes pass?

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How to get rid of sebaceous glands under the eyes? We share with you the answers to frequently asked questions about this problem, which can also be seen around the eyes and other parts of the body. This is usually noticed under the eye and is small in size. oil glands It is a benign tumor. According to the information obtained from experts, these tumors do not have a risk of forming cancer.

When such a problem is encountered, it is necessary to see a specialist because we cannot decide for ourselves that this sebaceous gland is a benign tumor. It is among the information given by the experts that the oil glands do not cause pain, but if they put pressure on the nerves where they occur, pain may occur. Although the oil glands under the eyes do not cause any pain, they can cause discomfort due to their appearance. In this article, you can find some natural care cures that you can apply at home to pass the oil glands that occur in the body.

Why Do Sebaceous Glands Occur under the Eyes?

High cholesterol and hair follicle inflammation are among the main causes of sebaceous glands. Some metabolic diseases and not eating a healthy diet are among the factors that pave the way for the formation of sebaceous glands. As in most diseases, genetic factors play an important role in the formation of sebaceous glands. If family members have these sebaceous glands, it is more likely to be seen in other people.

Consumption of meat dishes, excessive fatty and sweet foods oil gland are among the causes of its formation. The reasons for the formation of sebaceous glands are as follows, and those who encounter such problems should see a dermatologist. As a result of the controls to be made by the specialist, the cause of these oil glands and the way of treatment can be decided. oil glands under the eyes If it is not caused by a serious health problem, the following natural methods may work for you.

Herbal Remedies for Sebaceous Glands under the Eyes

Vegetable oils can be used to shrink the sebaceous glands under the eyes and eyelids and to prevent their formation. The area can be massaged with herbal products such as aloe vera, jojoba oil, lemon peel oil and lavender oil. In this way, the oil balance of the skin can be achieved.

Herbal Remedy for Gumballs Under Eyes by Ahmet Maranki

After peeling two slices of apples, boil them with thyme juice to soften them. Then put them in a bowl and mash them into mush. Then add 1 cup of watermelon juice, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and 1 tablespoon of yogurt and cream to the porridge. Add oat flour to these ingredients and make it creamy. Finally, warm the mixture and apply it to the areas where the oil glands are.

Onion Cure for Glands Under Eyes

For the onion cure recommended by İbrahim Saraçoğlu to those who complain of oil glands, 1 dry onion and chlorine-free water purchased from the market are required. Boil 1.5 cups of water. Peel the dry onion skin and cut it into four parts with a knife, then put it in boiling water. After adding the onions, boil for 5 more minutes and turn off the stove and wait for the mixture to warm up. Then strain it and consume it 2 times a day on an empty stomach for 15 days. You need to consume it as it is, without adding sugar or honey.

Lavender Cure for Meringues Under the Eyes by İbrahim Saracoğlu

To make this cure, you need chlorine-free water and lavender from the market. Put 1 teaspoon of lavender in 1.5 glasses of water. Boil them for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 cup of tea 2 hours before every dinner for 15 days from this cure you have prepared. Lavender cure should not be repeated after applying a total of 3 times. To see the effect of this cure, you need to consume it without using sweeteners such as honey or sugar.

Herbal solutions for sebaceous glands under the eyes We have also shared some natural formulas with you. If you have oil glands under the eyes or elsewhere on your body, you should first see a dermatologist, find the source of the problem and follow the instructions given by the specialist. You should not take risks by using any product that you are not sure about the effect of it.


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