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How do 50-year-olds perform in sex? Secrets and challenges –

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Sex certainly doesn’t stop at 50 (or 60, 70 and 80), but the truth is that many people stop seeing mature men as sexual beings. But is it so?

A scientific study showed that 91% of men and 86% of women remain sexually active in their 50s and, in fact, have perfected their technique and know how to enjoy the sexual act more.

American research, published in New England Journal of Medicine and in which men between the ages of 57 and 85 took part, found that most maintain romantic relationships and, in fact, consider sexuality to be an important part of their lives and daily routines. And while the scientists noted that sexual function declines at these ages, it also appeared that a large number of men are having vaginal and oral sex and masturbating regularly into their 80s.

50 year olds are high achievers

So men in their 50s, 60s, 70s are still sexually active, even when they are dealing with other health problems or sexual difficulties that may appear over the years.

Studies have shown that a major reason for a mature man to be sexually inactive is when he does not have a partner. For people with partners, sexual inactivity may be due to a health problem or general health anxiety of his or her partner, rather than a lack of interest in sex per se.

Rules for maintaining good sexual health

  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce your alcohol consumption
  • Avoid eating fatty foods
  • You maintain your body weight at normal levels
  • Reduce stress
  • Make exercise a part of your life

Sex at 50: The challenges and secrets

Scientists remind us that, as people age, so does the body. Understanding the changes your body is going through can help you have a healthy sex life as you get older. Of course, everyone’s body is different and can age differently. However, there are certain experiences that are common as we grow older. It may take longer to achieve an erection and the erection may be harder to maintain. There may be less sperm during ejaculation (or no sperm at all). Orgasm may be shorter.

But since the effects of aging on the body can make things more difficult in sex, there’s no reason why men in their 50s and 60s can’t enjoy an enjoyable and fulfilling sex life.


  1. Contact: This is good advice at any age, of course, but good communication with your partner is even more important as you get older. Our needs and wants can change over the course of our lives. Be clear. Let your partner know what you like and don’t like.
  2. Explore other… roads: Sex isn’t just about penetration, and limiting your thinking to that can limit your pleasure. Explore touch, stimulation, mutual masturbation or erotic massage – intimate ways to connect and experience sexual pleasure without having to maintain an erection.
  3. Don’t forget the lube: Vaginal dryness is common after menopause. A good lube is essential to make penetrative sex easier and more enjoyable. A water-based lubricant is the best choice for sex toys (toys) and essential if you use condoms (oil-based lubricants can break down the latex and make condoms less effective).
  4. Try new postures: Maybe your knees or back aren’t what they used to be and certain sexual positions are no longer comfortable. A wedged pillow (or even a regular bed pillow) can elevate the hips and put less pressure on the lower back, making penetration deeper. Standing seats may also be a more comfortable option.
  5. Pay a visit to one sex shop: This is good advice for any age, but sex toys can greatly enhance sex as we get older


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