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Home remedies for sensitive skin –

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They may also appear rash the irritations from clothing or friction. Some people are allergic to certain substances and may react on their skin.

Sensitive skin can also be a symptom of an underlying condition. Finding ways to avoid potential triggers and soothe irritated skin can help people with sensitive skin find relief and improve their quality of life.


Treating sensitive skin usually involves finding and eliminating triggers, as well as using home remedies or prescription medications to treat symptoms:

Medical treatments

Depending on the cause of the sensitive skin and accompanying symptoms, doctors may prescribe a few different medications. They include:

  • Steroid creams
  • Analgesic creams
  • Antihistamines:
  • Protective sunscreen

Home remedies and prevention

Some home remedies may also help treat or prevent sensitive skin symptoms. They include:

  • Moisturizing creams
  • Oatmeal: Oats can be especially helpful for people with sensitive skin. Research shows that the application of colloid oatmeal on the skin may help with symptoms such as rashes, dry skin and eczema. Oatmeal is effective because it improves the skin barrier rather than just treating symptoms. Applying a colloidal oat paste to sensitive skin can help manage symptoms.

Other tips

People with sensitive skin may also be able to minimize symptoms in various other ways:

  • taking shorter showers and baths that last less than 10 minutes
  • avoiding the use of very hot water for bathing and washing hands
  • avoiding harsh perfumes, detergents or other chemicals
  • using hypoallergenic fragrance-free products such as soaps, deodorants and detergents
  • avoiding harsh chemical cleaners
  • stroking instead of rubbing the body to dry
  • testing new products on a small area of ​​skin before applying them to more extensive areas

A person can keep a diary of the products they use each day to help them identify any possible triggers for their skin symptoms. If the person finds a product that they believe is causing a reaction, they should stop using it and take it to their dermatologist to be tested for allergies.


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