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Exercise for better sex –

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Sex is an undeniably rewarding form of exercise. But if it’s the only type of exercise you do, you probably won’t get the most out of your workout. Regular exercise outside of the bedroom will do more than improve your health and mood. In many ways, it is sure to improve your sex life.

Just one good workout can prepare the body for sex. When your blood flow increases it is easier to be aroused. Of course, anyone with romantic plans for the evening should try to conserve at least some energy. Obsessive exercisers may not feel like doing anything but sleeping when they get home.

In the long term, excessive exercise – such as training for a triathlon – can slow the production of sex hormones in both men and women, potentially shifting the sex drive into low gear. The consequences can be particularly severe for women. Exercise that requires rigorous training, such as excessive long-distance running, “can shut down a woman’s ovaries,” she says. She will stop ovulating and menstruating and will also lose interest in sex.

Exercise through the ages

Whether you’re in your early 20s or early 80s, regular and sensible exercise can only improve your sex life. A survey of more than 400 college students published in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality found that young people who exercise regularly are highly satisfied with their attractiveness and sexual function.

The benefits can be even more dramatic as people get older. A study of more than 30,000 men aged 50 and over found that regular vigorous exercise was associated with a 30 percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction (ED), compared to men who exercised little or not at all. The same study also found high rates of ED in men who watch a lot of TV.

For the most part, you don’t need to adapt your exercise routine to your sex life. Any exercise you do — walking or swimming, lifting weights or cycling — will help. Women may want to try Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

So remember, exercise is essential to good health. And no matter how you look at it, being healthy is sexy.


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