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Erection: Secrets, truths and lies –

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Male erection seems like a simple thing. It is actually a rather complicated process. Truths and lies emerge around erections, which create impressions and cause anxiety and performance anxiety. However, as the experts reveal, there are some secrets so that the erection never… betrays would-be lovers.

“First let’s say there are three different kinds of erections.

  • The so-called reflex erection, which is the result of physical contact.
  • Psychogenic erection, due to audiovisual stimuli or fantasies.
  • Nocturnal erection, which, as its name suggests, occurs during sleep.

In the last two cases, the erection is involuntary – i.e. unintentional – and can occur at any time and moment,” says the Urologist-Andrologist Surgeon Konstantinos A. Rokkas MD.

An erection is the result of a process, with which the external genitalia, the heart, the vessels, the hormones, the nerve axes, but also the emotions, the sensations, the imagination, the memory, are related. Erection is the main function of the penis.

Erection like… bicycle

We often jokingly say that sex is like riding a bicycle, you never forget how to ride. But American urologists are used to saying “use it or lose it”, that is, do it or it will leave you. So, the more a man uses his penis, the better for him.

“Oxygen plays a key role in the proper functioning of the penis, thus in a strong and lasting erection and, by extension, in satisfactory sexual intercourse. Oxygen gives energy, keeps the tissues at healthy levels, rebuilds any damages and contributes to the synthesis of substances, which cause dilation of the vessels in the penis. This results in more breakdown of smooth muscle fibers and consequently an increase in blood flow. In the penis, however, there is no continuous flow of oxygen-rich blood. That is, the penis, when it is in decay, does not absorb large amounts of oxygen, in contrast to the penis that is erect. Then the arteries transport large amounts of oxygen-rich blood, which helps with everything we mentioned above and which contribute to the proper functioning of the penis,” explains Mr. Rokkas.

The myth of desire

For a man to begin to function sexually, he needs to have sexual desire. Often there are visual stimuli and fantasies. But it is possible that someone does not have the sexual drive that these bring about, but can still function sexually.

However, experts emphasize that it is a myth that men always have desire and that they are ready “for action” at any time. Low testosterone levels, anxiety, depression, fatigue, frustration are factors that inhibit sexual desire.

Testosterone is the hormone – “key” for sexual desire, for secondary male characteristics (hair growth, genital development, tone of voice, etc.), but also for erection, but only when its levels are pathologically.

Men want emotion

Another myth is that men love “dry”, emotionless sex. This is not true. A 2019 American survey showed that men also feel the need to express their feelings to their partners. 8 out of 10 had said that sex is much better if there are feelings of passion, love and tenderness in the couple.

“This is true. And men, like women, have a need to feel emotional closeness. They need time and privacy to function in sex, without the worry that the kids might overhear or that the phone will ring. These are factors that do not facilitate the sexual process. “The desire may ‘go out’ and it may be impossible to achieve or maintain an erection as the man is stressed,” points out Mr Rokkas.

Erection and hormones

Phimosis, Peyronie’s disease, short bridle can make sexual intercourse difficult and need the intervention of the urologist to deal with them.

However, hormones play an equally important role.

“We mentioned earlier testosterone and its contribution to sexual desire. He is the “hormone maestro”. We should also note the increase in prolactin, which is directly linked to the reduction of sexual drive and erectile dysfunction. The problem can be treated medicinally and surgically, depending on where it is caused. Dysfunctions of the thyroid gland also have an effect on erection,” says Mr. Konstantinos Rokkas.


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