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Dull skin: Causes and treatment –

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Glowing skin beautifies any face, while giving it a healthy look as it “brightens” it. But it is not a given, as there are certain factors that “steal” its shine, while highlighting its imperfections.

With increasing age, collagen decreases and elastin fibers gradually lose their resistance, as a result of which they cannot maintain either the skin’s firmness or its glow. However, in some cases, the skin can be dull even at young ages. Causes may be related to genes, environmental factors and lifestyle.

“Poor diet resulting in nutrient deficiencies, environmental pollution and the accumulation of pollutants on the skin, insufficient hydration, smoking and alcohol, insufficient care and grooming, hormonal disorders, the existence of acne in the past and regular make-up with “heavy” products that don’t allow the skin to breathe, they can make it look less healthy, less luminous and less smooth.

The problem is most evident on the face, neck and décolleté, followed by the hands and body. When the skin is dull, its imperfections, such as wrinkles and fine lines, sagging, discolorations, hemangiomas, etc., “write” more strongly,” emphasizes Dr. Anastasia Seferi-DanielMD, PhD, Plastic Surgeon at HYGEIA Hospital, member of the Hellenic Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (HESPRAS).

There are various products for external use on the market for a shiny appearance, but there are also more active solutions, with better results and duration.

In recent years, science has enriched the options available with revolutionary methods and treatments, aimed at boosting the production of collagen and elastin, which for one of the above reasons is not enough.

“To rebuild the skin’s support structures and give a better texture to the skin, we use modern machines with radio frequencies, lasers or polarized light, individually or in combination, depending on the case.
The machines remove the outer layer of the skin, thereby removing dead and aged cells. In order to replace this gap, the subcutaneous tissue reacts by doing natural cellular renewal, resulting in the recovery of elasticity, firmness and radiance. At the same time, other aesthetic problems such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles and discolorations are reduced or disappear.
The oval of the face, the cheekbones, the forehead and the lower part of the eyes and eyebrows are also lifted, acne scars are eliminated or improved and the pores are tightened,” explains Dr. Seferi-Daniel.

The procedure takes about 40-50 minutes, is painless and without side effects. Depending on the type and skin lesions, one or more treatments are required, with an interval of one week to 10 days. But, the result is evident from the very first application.

The technologies are now sophisticated and do not leave marks or burns, allowing the immediate return to daily activities, even the same day, using the appropriate creams and sunscreen.

Intervention in every layer of the skin

In many cases, the procedure also includes injectable mesotherapy, either with vitamins and trace elements, or autologous (uses the body’s own healing and regenerative abilities), or autologous enriched with additional elements.

“These treatments work on every level of the skin. The machines target the outer layer, while, if the problem is more intense, we also do mesotherapy. For even more severe damage, such as wrinkles, expression wrinkles, loss of volume, etc., we intervene in deeper layers or at the muscle level, with hyaluronic acid and toxin”, points out Dr. Seferi-Daniel. And he adds:

“The effect is long-lasting, however, it is prolonged if the treatment is followed by a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, good hydration, exercise and skin care should become daily habits, without becoming a burden on the mind. When there are no problems, treatments can be applied before an important period or event, so that the skin is brighter. Also, it is good to do them after the summer, when the skin is dehydrated from the sun, the heat and the sea. However, their application is important when there are aggravating factors, such as climacteric or menopause, weight loss, increasing age, etc.”

In cases where the dull skin is “hereditary”, these treatments are also applied to young people, so that their skin is “fresh” and shiny, preventing or even reversing the image shaped by their genes.

Do not forget:

  • Proper cleansing of the face morning and night
  • Thorough makeup removal before bed
  • Wiping the face with kitchen paper dabbing and not rubbing with a towel
  • Use of cream with sun protection all year round
  • Proper hydration.


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