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Do you wake up and your face is swollen? See where it could be.

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In the morning when we wake up, the face often looks swollen, due to the pressure exerted on it by the pillow during sleep. However, swelling can have many other causes, ranging from injuries and allergic reactions to infections.

Swelling of the face is due to accumulation of fluid (edema) or inflammation in its tissues. It can occur anywhere, but is usually more noticeable on one side of the lips, cheeks and/or eyelids. But it can also extend to the neck area or, more rarely, affect the entire face.

If there is no previous injury that explains the swelling in the face, the possible causes are many,” he notes. “They are usually not life-threatening, but there are some conditions that require urgent medical attention.

What are some of the most typical causes of facial swelling:


It doesn’t take too much sun exposure to burn your face. Some people with high sensitivity to solar radiation burn even if they are exposed to the sun for a few minutes. When the burn is severe, it causes pain, dry skin, blisters and swelling. The patient may also have a headache, feel dizzy and feel nauseous. Always wear sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses and avoid the sun during the hottest hours (in summer, from 11am to at least 5pm).

Contact dermatitis

Many people experience red, swollen skin on the face when it comes into contact with jewelry, cosmetics, certain plants, etc. This reaction is of an allergic nature and is called contact dermatitis. Certain creams and ointments, under proper guidance, are usually sufficient to relieve the symptoms.

Hormonal diseases

Hypothyroidism is one of the hormonal disorders that can lead to facial swelling. In such a case, his skin will also be dry. In developed countries the most common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). Another endocrine condition that can lead to facial swelling is Cushing’s syndrome. It is a rare disease, caused by the overproduction of cortisol (cortisone) in the body. One of the characteristic symptoms of the syndrome is a swollen, red and round face (moon face).

Food allergy

If you have a food allergy (eg to fish, seafood, nuts, etc.), your body will react strongly whenever it is exposed to them. Food allergy in people who are particularly sensitive can be life-threatening when it causes swelling of the face and larynx (allergic shock or anaphylaxis). In such a case, the patient may manifest these symptoms within a few minutes of their consumption. Swelling can be severe on the lips and around the eyes, as well as on the tongue and palate, affecting the sufferer’s speech and eventually breathing. The situation is an emergency and requires immediate medical attention.

Side effects to medications

Some medications have facial swelling as a side effect. These include antihypertensives (eg, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists), corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diabetes medications (eg, thiazolidinediones), cortisone, etc.

Many people, on the other hand, are allergic to one or more medicines. Drug allergies often involve drugs such as antibiotics (eg, penicillin and its derivatives), anticonvulsants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and chemotherapy drugs. When drug allergy causes swelling of the face and larynx, it is an emergency.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Eye inflammation caused by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, house dust, mold spores, etc. can cause swelling over a large part of the face. The eyes may also be red, ‘watery’ (watery) and burning (burning).

Abscess in the tooth

Swelling on one side of the face accompanied by severe pain may be due to an abscess or infection in the teeth or gums. A checkup by a dentist is required.


Sinusitis is inflammation or infection in one or more of the sinuses (sinuses). It can be caused by viruses, bacteria or allergies. And this can cause swelling of the face, on the side where the affected sinus is located.

Facial swelling can have many other serious causes, such as pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, bacterial infection in the lower layers of the skin (cellulitis) or angioedema (a collection of fluid under the skin of the face). Therefore, when there is no obvious cause (eg injury, tooth problem), it should be checked by the doctor to find out what is going on.


In the morning when we wake up, the face often looks swollen, due to the pressure exerted on it by the pillow during sleep. However, swelling can have many other causes, ranging from injuries and allergic reactions to infections.
Swelling of the face is due to accumulation of fluid (edema) or inflammation in its tissues. It can occur anywhere, but is usually more noticeable on one side of the lips, cheeks and/or eyelids. But it can also extend to the neck area or, more rarely, affect the entire face.
If there is no previous injury that explains the swelling in the face, the possible causes are many,” he notes. “They are usually not life-threatening, but there are some conditions that require urgent medical attention.

What are some of the most typical causes of facial swelling:
It doesn’t take too much sun exposure to burn your face. Some people with high sensitivity to solar radiation burn even if they are exposed to the sun for a few minutes. When the burn is severe, it causes pain, dry skin, blisters and swelling. The patient may also have a headache, feel dizzy and feel nauseous. Always wear sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses and avoid the sun during the hottest hours (in summer, from 11am to at least 5pm).
Contact dermatitis
Many people experience red, swollen skin on the face when it comes into contact with jewelry, cosmetics, certain plants, etc. This reaction is of an allergic nature and is called contact dermatitis. Certain creams and ointments, under proper guidance, are usually sufficient to relieve the symptoms.
Hormonal diseases
Hypothyroidism is one of the hormonal disorders that can lead to facial swelling. In such a case, his skin will also be dry. In developed countries the most common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis). Another endocrine condition that can lead to facial swelling is Cushing’s syndrome. It is a rare disease, caused by the overproduction of cortisol (cortisone) in the body. One of the characteristic symptoms of the syndrome is a swollen, red and round face (moon face).
Food allergy
If you have a food allergy (eg to fish, seafood, nuts, etc.), your body will react strongly whenever it is exposed to them. Food allergy in people who are particularly sensitive can be life-threatening when it causes swelling of the face and larynx (allergic shock or anaphylaxis). In such a case, the patient may manifest these symptoms within a few minutes of their consumption. Swelling can be severe on the lips and around the eyes, as well as on the tongue and palate, affecting the sufferer’s speech and eventually breathing. The situation is an emergency and requires immediate medical attention.
Side effects to medications
Some medications have facial swelling as a side effect. These include antihypertensives (eg, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists), corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, diabetes medications (eg, thiazolidinediones), cortisone, etc.
Many people, on the other hand, are allergic to one or more medicines. Drug allergies often involve drugs such as antibiotics (eg, penicillin and its derivatives), anticonvulsants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and chemotherapy drugs. When drug allergy causes swelling of the face and larynx, it is an emergency.
Allergic conjunctivitis
Eye inflammation caused by allergens such as pollen, dust mites, house dust, mold spores, etc. can cause swelling over a large part of the face. The eyes may also be red, ‘watery’ (watery) and burning (burning).
Abscess in the tooth
Swelling on one side of the face accompanied by severe pain may be due to an abscess or infection in the teeth or gums. A checkup by a dentist is required.
Sinusitis is inflammation or infection in one or more of the sinuses (sinuses). It can be caused by viruses, bacteria or allergies. And this can cause swelling of the face, on the side where the affected sinus is located.
Facial swelling can have many other serious causes, such as pre-eclampsia in pregnancy, bacterial infection in the lower layers of the skin (cellulitis) or angioedema (a collection of fluid under the skin of the face). Therefore, when there is no obvious cause (eg injury, tooth problem), it should be checked by the doctor to find out what is going on.
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