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Detox diets can hurt your health

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Detox diets made to reduce free radicals formed in the body due to malnutrition can threaten our health if not done consciously.

Detox diets can hurt your health

With the effect of the weather during the holidays, not knowing any limits on issues such as eating and drinking returns to us as excess weight and harmful free radicals formed in the body. In order to eliminate all these negativities after the holiday, most people embrace conscious-unconscious detox diets. However, without expert control, unplanned detox diets may cause harm instead of benefit and may adversely affect health.

How should detox diets be applied?

Many of the detox programs that have become very popular today are applied for long periods of time without sticking to any plan and in the hope that the longer they are done, the better the results will be.

Plan is important in detox diets

An important point to remember is; As with all diet programs, detox diets should be applied within the framework of a diet plan specially prepared for the individual. In such cases, the duration of the diet is as important as the content of the diet.

Free radicals and detox

detox; It has emerged as a diet program that aims to reduce free radicals formed in the body after consumption of foods and beverages such as frying, excessively fatty foods, meat cooked by direct contact with fire, alcohol.

The formation of free radicals can be prevented through antioxidants, and it is possible to increase the antioxidant capacity with sufficient fruit and vegetable consumption.

How to prepare a detox diet?

Unlike normal nutrition programs, many detox diet programs are low in calories and insufficient in terms of many nutrients necessary for the body. For this reason, if they are applied for a long time, they can cause the body to lose its resistance and cause health problems. Experts, if a detox diet will be applied; The diet should be for a maximum of 3 days and its contents should be prepared individually.

What is a detox diet?

When it comes to a detox diet, the first thing that comes to mind is to eat vegetables and fruit juices, raw foods or foods belonging to a single food group. This type of diet can lead to nutrient deficiencies in individuals. For this reason, the contents of the meals should be in accordance with the rules of balanced nutrition.


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