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Date Mask Recipe

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Date Mask Recipe, It is one of the alternative masks that can be applied for aging and various rough skin. This mask made with persimmon, which has a very important place for health and body beauty, can be applied as a solution to wrinkles, sagging and related signs of aging in the face and neck area.

Date Mask Recipe

In addition, this mask, which can be applied for cracks and hardness on the hands, especially in winter, provides a fresher and more radiant skin. Made with ingredients that are always at hand at home. palm mask supplies given below.


  • 1 large or 2 small fully ripe dates
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons of oat flour
  • 2 tablespoons of grape molasses

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Palm Mask Application

In order for the date mask to be ready, first the dates are peeled and mashed with the help of a blender. Then the egg whites are mixed first and the mixture is thoroughly mixed. When the mixture becomes smooth, the remaining ingredients are added and the mask is mixed until a homogeneous consistency. If the resulting mixture is not on the face, it should be sieved until it has a consistency and flour should be added and lumping is prevented. As the last step, the mask is applied to the face and neck area and left for about 20 minutes. Then it is cleaned with warm water for easy removal of the mask from the skin.

The material dimensions above are valid for both neck and face areas. If you are only going to apply it to your face, it is enough to prepare a mask with half of the measurements. If you want to apply this mask for your hands, it is sufficient to prepare a half-size mask in the same way.

persimmon mask When you apply the recipe regularly once a week, you will notice that your application area looks healthier, brighter and younger.


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