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Covid-19 alert in Shanghai: “Spread to 70 percent of the population”

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ChineseThe virus is thought to have spread to about 70 percent of the population in Shanghai, the country’s largest city, after Covid-19 measures were relaxed at the beginning of last month.

Shanghai Ruycin Hospital Deputy Chief Physician and member of the city’s Covid-19 Advisory Board, Çın Arcın, said in a statement to the Communist Party’s publication “People’s Daily”, that in the last month, 20-30 times more infections were seen in the city than the epidemic triggered by Omicron cases in the spring months.

Noting that mass tests were applied in the epidemic, which led to a closure for about 2 months in his city with a population of more than 25 million, and that most of the positive cases isolated in quarantine centers did not show any signs of disease, Çın said, “Now the epidemic is so widespread that it has probably reached 70 percent of the population. 30 times a number.” he said.

Çın shared the information that the number of patients in the emergency care unit of Ruycin Hospital is up to 1600 per day, 80 percent of them are related to Covid-19, and the elderly and patients with immune problems are about half of all cases.

Covid-19 alert in Shanghai: "Spread to 70 percent of the population" - 1

The shutdown, which started on March 28 due to the epidemic triggered by cases carrying the Omicron variant in Shanghai, was extended indefinitely until the beginning of June, as the zero case target could not be reached. In the epidemic, approximately 600 thousand cases were recorded in 2 months, nearly 600 of them died.

In the study, published by Chinese researchers in the scientific journal Frontiers of Medicine supported by the Ministry of Education, the epidemic reached its peak in metropolitan cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangcou and Chongqing, and from the new year to the Spring Festival, which will start on January 22, mostly to medium-sized cities and then to medium-sized cities. It was reported that it was expected to spread to rural settlements.


In the study, 30 sub-variants of Omicron were found in the DNA sequences of 300 samples analyzed in the fall and winter months in Shanghai. It was reported that BF.7 and BA.5.2 sub-variants were dominant in the city, and BQ.1 and XBB sub-variants were also seen spreading in the USA and Europe in the last two months.

In the study covering the dates September 1 to November 26, 2022, 5,706 people in Shanghai were treated in hospitals due to Covid-19-related illnesses, approximately 97 percent of them showed signs of moderate and mild illness, and 3 percent were in severe and critical condition. had been recorded.


On the other hand, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Ciciang province, south of Shanghai, reported that the number of daily cases has reached 1 million and they expect the increase to reach its peak at the end of this month by continuing.

The Center warned that an increase due to new variants may be seen with the opening of the borders as of January 8 and the increase in domestic travel on the Spring Festival, which will start on January 22.

Due to inter-regional development differences, it is possible that the virus can spread to a wider area with the travels of immigrants from big cities to the country to visit their hometowns during the Spring Festival holiday, which is China’s traditional New Year celebration. health It is predicted that the epidemics in these regions, where the system is inadequate, may lead to more loss of life.
