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Celiac disease – Health and Beauty Guide

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Celiac disease is the name given to the sensitivity and allergy of the small intestine to foods containing protein called gluten. This sensitivity to gluten is chronic and is a lifelong condition.

What is celiac disease?

Foods taken during feeding are decomposed into their components in the small intestine and mixed with the blood through the intestinal mucosa. Our body’s ability to take in sufficient amount of nutrients is provided by the villi protrusions, which are quite numerous in the small intestine. When celiac patients are fed with gluten-containing foods, villi protrusions and folds are destroyed due to allergies in the intestinal mucosa, and as a result, they decrease in number and decrease in volume. As a natural result of this, since the intestinal area is reduced, the nutrients taken become unabsorbed. Eventually, nutritional deficiency and symptoms of disease occur in the following process.

What foods contain gluten?

Grain products such as wheat, barley, rye and oats contain gluten protein and are foods that Celiac patients should avoid in their diet.

Symptoms of celiac disease

Celiac disease presents with the following symptoms.

  • Irregular period
  • Sores in the mouth (AFT)
  • state of being overly irritable
  • Tedium
  • growth retardation
  • Itchy rashes on the skin
  • Slow or retarded growth in children
  • iron deficiency
  • Abnormal stool, increased need for large toilets
  • Joint and bone pain
  • Bone resorption at an early age
  • Gas complaints
  • Weakness
  • restlessness and irritability
  • Anorexia
  • Anemia
  • Forward bloating in the abdomen
  • muscle weakness
  • Infertility
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Gas pain in stomach
  • severe abdominal pain
  • Weight loss for age

How is celiac disease diagnosed?

Because the symptoms of celiac disease are numerous, they often include early osteoporosis, anemia, lactose allergy.
Although it may be thought that it may be encountered with other diseases, the disease can be diagnosed definitively at any age with blood tests and small intestine biopsy.

Treatment of celiac disease

Celiac disease is a disease that occurs as a result of an overreaction of the immune system and there is no known treatment or medicine.

The primary goal in the treatment process of celiac disease is to prevent or eliminate the cause of the disease. Afterwards, it is necessary to complete the deficiencies caused by the disease. At this point, the most important point to be considered is to stop eating foods that cause allergies and contain gluten.

Celiac diet, which provides the least effect from celiac disease, requires staying away from wheat, rye, oats, barley and all nutrients containing these grains. In addition, since there is no definitive treatment for the disease, this diet should be followed for life without interruption.

As a result of the Celiac diet to be applied without a break, the small intestine surface, that is, the villi protrusions and folds, which are damaged due to gluten allergy, return to their normal shape and function. As long as the gluten-free diet is continued afterward, the patient does not have any complaints or problems related to Celiac disease. However, with the changes to be made in the diet, the Celiac diet will be abandoned and the consumption of foods containing gluten, even in small amounts, will cause the destruction of the intestines to recur and the complaints of Celiac disease to occur.

The disappearance of the disease-related complaints of the patient following the celiac diet may differ depending on the age of the patient, the severity of the destruction in the intestine and other factors.

It is not possible to treat celiac disease with bioresonance or alternative medicine treatment methods other than a gluten-free diet. Therefore, caution is advised against such treatment recommendations.


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