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Cancer: How much does the number of sexual partners in our life affect its appearance? –

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People who have had more than ten sexual partners in their lifetime face an increased risk of being diagnosed with canceraccording to international scientific research.

The researchers from Britain, Italy, Austria, Canada and Turkey, led by Dr. Lee Smith of Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, who made the relevant publication in the British journal for sexual and reproductive health “BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health”, analyzed data on 2,537 men and 3,185 women over the age of 50 (average age 64).

Of the participants, 28.5% of men and 41% of women had none or one partner, 29% of men and 35% of women had two to four partners, 20% of men and 16% of women of women had five to nine, while 22% of men and 8% of women had ten or more.

In both sexes, the highest number of partners were younger, single, those at the extremes of the income scale (both the richest and the poorest), as well also those who drank, smoked, and exercised more.

It was found that women with ten or more partners were 91% more likely to develop cancer than those with no or only one partner.

Men with two to four partners they had a 57% greater chance of cancer than those with zero to one partner.

While those with more than ten partners in their lifewere 69% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer at some point.

In addition, women (but not men) with more than five partners had 64% greater chance of some other chronic condition.

The study did not examine whether any type of cancer was more common in those who had multiple partners.


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