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Bulgarians started to take their medicine from Edirne

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to Edirne shopping Bulgarian tourists, who came for the purpose, started to make their health expenditures from pharmacies as well as their daily needs.

Bulgarian tourists, who fill the pharmacies in the city center, usually buy paracetamol, painkillers, blood thinners and blood pressure drugs. The shopkeepers stated that they are very satisfied with this situation.

BulgariaVelina Katovlina from , said, “The drugs are cheap in your country, so we come and buy them here. It’s very cheap here.”

Bulgarians started to take their medicine from Edirne - 1

Stating that pharmacies are crowded from time to time, Pharmacist İbrahim Ay said, “They can buy every drug that a normal citizen can buy and sold without a prescription. They especially take flu drugs, painkillers, blood pressure and blood thinners. They say that especially blood pressure and cholesterol drugs are very expensive for them, and that’s why They get it from here,” he said.

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