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BREAKING NEWS: Approval for a new drug in the treatment of SMA

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Want a second news! A drug was approved by the SMA Scientific Committee, and a drug was vetoed.

Health At the meeting chaired by Minister Fahrettin Koca, it was decided to add the drug with the active ingredient Risdiplam to the SMA treatment guide.

Thus, the number of drugs increased to 2 with Nursinersen and Risdiplam in the SMA treatment guideline.


Minister Koca, in a statement after the meeting, said that legal applications were made by the company for the entry of the drug with the active ingredient Risdiplam, which is used as a syrup, into the country, and that the licensing of the drug has reached the final stage.

BREAKING NEWS: Approval for a new drug in the treatment of SMA - 1

“We will finalize the licensing process for this drug in the coming days. It has been decided to offer this drug as an option for patients whose efficacy is known, nursinersen treatment, for which it is difficult to apply. As the country data increases, the application principles will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee,” Koca said.

Thus, Koca emphasized that two drugs will now be included in the treatment guide for SMA patients.


The Scientific Committee did not approve the Zolgensma drug, which is heavily demanded by families. It was stated that the evaluations regarding the drug will continue.

Minister Koca made the following statement regarding the drug Zolgensma, also known as “gene therapy”:

“In the evaluation made by our Scientific Committee, it was seen that there is still no comparative scientific study showing the superiority of treatment with Zolgensma over other treatments. However, there are studies showing that Zolgensma has similar efficacy to other drugs on non-symptomatic SMA Type 1 infants from 0-6 weeks newborn screening. It has been evaluated that it would be appropriate to make a new evaluation by requesting real-life data from the relevant company in order to conduct a new examination.


Underlining that all necessary support will continue to be provided for the treatment of SMA patients, Minister Koca said in his statement, “We would like to point out in particular that we have not allowed the abuse of hope until now, and we will not allow it in the future. We will not allow the hope of our families to be used for commercial purposes. However, its effectiveness has been proven with scientific evidence. We are ready to provide the necessary convenience for every treatment,” he said.
