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BioNTech denies it will leave Germany

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BioNTech Corporate Communications Vice President Jasmina Alatovic stated that the news of Bild newspaper is not true.

Alatovic said: “We asked for the news to be corrected. It is true that we are planning additional locations in the UK. This is BioNTech’s Germany or the world It has no effect on their positions across the globe.”

In the news titled “Even Corona heroes are leaving the country” in Bild newspaper yesterday, it was claimed that Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci, who were the first to develop the Covid-19 vaccine, decided to move their company BioNTech from Germany.

BioNTech denies the claim that it will leave Germany - 1


In the news, it was claimed that BioNTech decided to move its production and R&D projects from Mainz, Germany to England.

The German government was also criticized in the news, which stated that “Made in Germany” used to be a sign of quality, now the situation has changed and many German companies have moved their factories and R&D projects abroad.

On the other hand, BioNTech announced on January 6 that it had agreed with the British Ministry of Health to establish an R&D center for cancer treatment in the UK.

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