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Apricot Mask Recipe

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Apricot Mask Recipe It is one of the most beneficial natural care applications that can be used in skin care. Fruit-containing masks provide a great advantage in terms of being easily applied to sensitive and problematic skin. However, the most important issue here is that the person applying the fruit mask should not have an allergy to that fruit. If this detail is not observed, the skin may be damaged.

Many uses in natural care apricot masks has. Although apricot kernel oil is mostly preferred due to its ease of use, those who cannot find it can apply these masks by using the apricot itself.

Benefits of Apricot Mask for Skin

  • Apricot mask helps to delay the lubrication of oily skin.
  • It adds moisture to dry skin, softens it and gives it a healthy smooth appearance.
  • Apricot mask, which purifies the skin from dead cells, also helps to remove blackheads and acne.
  • It brightens the color of skin spots and reduces the clarity of their images.
  • Apricot mask, which restores the elasticity of the skin and tightens it, is also extremely effective on light wrinkles.
  • It helps the irritated skin to be repaired more quickly and renew itself.

There are many different recipes of the apricot mask, which has so many benefits for our skin. We share with you the most preferred of these masks.

How to Care for Sensitive Skin?

Apricot Mask Recipe

You can make your skin healthier and brighter thanks to this mask, which you can easily make with the materials at home. Here is our recipe for those who want to try it:

Ingredients for Apricot Mask

  • 7 apricots
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • half a glass of milk
Making and Applying the Mask

Just remove the seeds of the apricots that you will use in making masks, without peeling them. Mash these apricots in a glass bowl with a fork, then add the honey and milk to the bowl. After mixing all the ingredients well, it’s time to apply. Apply the mask on your face by massaging with the help of your fingertips. After waiting for it to affect your skin for 20 minutes, wash it off with plenty of warm water.

İbrahim Saraçoğlu Apricot-Apple Mask

In this mask, suggested by İbrahim Saraçoğlu for natural skin care, apples are used as well as apricots. The apricot and apple you will use in the mask, which is recommended to be applied once a week, must be organic.

Necessary materials

  • 4 firm apricots
  • 1 red apple
  • Half a cup of water

Construction and Application

Peel the skin of the apple as thinly as you can. Remove the seeds from the apricots without peeling them. Take the prepared apricots and apples in a pot. Add the specified amount of water and boil it for 6 minutes on low heat. Take the pot from the stove, pass the softened mixture through the blender and puree it. To use the mask, wait for it to cool a little and then apply it to your face by feeding it well. Leave it on your face for 30 minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water. İbrahim Saraçoğlu apricot-apple mask It can be applied once a week.

Making Makeup Fixing Spray

Suna Dumankaya Apricot Mask

Suna Dumankaya recommends the apricot mask to women who have blemishes and wrinkles on their skin so that they can eliminate these problems, and also gives the recipe for this mask, which can be applied easily.

Necessary materials

  • 10 apricots
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • They are

Making and Application of the Mask

Wash the apricots well and put them in a small saucepan, add enough water to cover them and boil them on the stove for 10 minutes. After it cools down a bit, pass the apricots, whose seeds you have removed, through the blender. Take the mashed material in a glass bowl and mix it well with a wooden spoon by putting honey in it. Apply the mask you prepared on your face, wait for 20 minutes, then rinse well. Finally, complete the application by applying your moisturizing cream.

Ahmet Maranki Apricot Mask

Ahmet Maranki, who has many useful masks and cure recipes, will help those with oily skin to maintain the oil balance of the skin. clay apricot mask suggests they do.

Necessary materials

  • 1.5 tablespoons of clay
  • 1 coffee spoon of apricot kernel oil
  • 5 tablespoons of water

Construction and Application

Add the specified amount of apricot kernel oil to the clay you have taken into a bowl. After mixing them, add water gradually and bring the material to a spreadable consistency. Since the mask contains clay, it can start to dry quickly, so apply it to your face immediately without wasting any time, and when the mask dries on your face, clean it without waiting too long. Care should be taken when using masks containing clay. Leaving the mask on your face for a long time can irritate your skin.

apricot mask It is a very effective mask that shows its positive effect from the very first application. Women of all age groups can feel the freshness and softness of this mask on their skin by applying any of these recipes.


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