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Adding salt to pasta at the right time is a life saver

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US scientists pasta identified safe steps for cooking.

The study found that adding salt to the pot at the wrong time while cooking pasta can lead to dangerous diseases.

According to the findings, the combination of some chemicals in tap water with salt creates harmful by-products.

According to the Independent’s report, in Columba University of South CarolinaResearchers from , identified a certain amount of disinfectant in tap water.

Combining them with salt “iodized disinfection by-products” It has been found that chemicals called

According to researchers, these substances can cause cancer, liver damage and decreased nervous system activity.

On the other hand, researchers who experimented on pasta also determined ways to block these toxins after several trials.

Throwing salt into pasta at the right time is a life saver - 1


Accordingly, the first step is to boil the water in the pot and not to close the lid during this time. The second step is to make sure that all the water is gone while draining the pasta.

The research team, led by Susan Richardson, states that salt should be added after the pasta is cooked.

In the statement made by the university, “If you do not close the lid of the pot, you will allow chlorinated and iodine compounds to escape. Filtering the pasta also removes most of the contaminants.”

But the third and fourth options for using salt were particularly important.

In the press release published on the website of the American Chemical Society, all the steps are listed as follows:

  • Pasta should be boiled without a lid.
  • Cooked water should be drained.
  • Iodized table salt should be added after the pasta is cooked.
  • Those who want to boil the pasta in salted water should use non-iodized options such as kosher salt and Himalayan salt.
