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What is good for a headache, how does it go? Causes of pain in the crown of the head

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Today, hundreds of types of headaches have entered the medical literature. Some types may be caused by a cause such as thirst, fatigue, stress, high blood pressure, menstrual period or migraine, while others may indicate a serious illness.

In some cases, headache can be a symptom of life-threatening diseases such as meningitis, stroke, encephalitis and Covid-19.

Headaches can be grouped into two groups:

primary headaches; migraine, vascular headaches, and tension-type headaches.

Disease-induced headaches; metabolic diseases, vascular diseases, head traumas, brain related diseases, infections, sinusitis and neuralgia.


Headache is the most common headache today. health is one of its problems. This problem can usually be perceived as a problem that can be relieved by pain relief, sleep and rest, and may be ignored. However, headaches can have many causes and can be very diverse.


It is necessary to pay attention to very severe and sudden headaches. This kind of pain brain tumor may be a precursor. Headache, which is a symptom of bleeding brain tumors, is a type of headache that is more intense than the person has ever experienced before, and then loss of consciousness develops.

Brain tumors grow inside the skull and put pressure on the brain. Sometime top of headSometimes pain in the front of the head, sometimes in the back of the head, and pain radiating to the neck occur. Sometimes it causes double vision and blurred vision without headache. These symptoms may be accompanied by prolonged nausea, vomiting, weakness in the arms and legs, visual impairment and speech disorder. Headaches may be more common, especially in the morning.

Headaches due to brain tumors are usually not very severe, but moderately severe pains occur, but it creates continuity. These types of headaches do not respond to treatment if the problem is not noticed.


– Cold press
If you are having a migraine attack, you can put cold presses on your forehead. You can put a towel or a bag of frozen pads on your forehead. You can also help relieve your migraine pain by applying ice compresses to your head. You can continue this process by keeping the ice compress on your head for 15 minutes and taking a break for 15 minutes.

if cluster type If you have a headache, you can try cold press or sitting in a dark environment. The most effective method in the treatment of cluster headache is the use of medications recommended by the physician and the administration of pure oxygen in the emergency departments of hospitals.

-Hot Press
if voltage type If you have a headache, you can place a heating pad or a warm towel on the back of the head. If you have a sinus headache, you can put a warm washcloth on the aching area, or a hot shower may also work.

– Print on Scalp
If you have your hair in a ponytail during the day and you have gathered your hair too tightly, this may cause a headache. These “external compression headaches” can also occur due to wearing a hat, headband, or even swimming goggles that are too tight. If your headache is developing due to these, you can gather your hair more loosely.

– Dark Environment
Bright or flickering lights emitted from the computer screen can also trigger a migraine attack. If you have light-related headaches, you can cover your windows with dark curtains and wear sunglasses during the day. You can also add anti-glare screens to your computer screen and use daylight spectrum fluorescent bulbs for your lighting.

– Caffeine
Consuming beverages containing caffeine, such as tea and coffee, can also be good for headaches.

– Relaxation Practice
Stretching, yoga, meditation or muscle relaxation are also good for headaches and other types of pain.

– Massage
Massaging your neck for a few minutes can help relieve a tension headache that can be caused by stress.

– Regular Medication Use
Regular use of medications recommended by the physician is also extremely important. Apart from this, you can also use over-the-counter pain relievers for headaches that you can buy from pharmacies.

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