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2 new applications from the Ministry of Health against the appointment problem in MHRS

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Koca shared on his social media account, “MHRS appointment problems are the number one issue we will focus on until the expected improvement is achieved. Two applications have started against the unnecessary load increase and loss of time in the system. A mutual success in the use of time can take us to unimaginable points at the moment. ” used the phrase.

In the written statement of the Ministry, information was given about two new applications.

Accordingly, people who make an appointment via MHRS and do not cancel it will not be able to get an appointment from the same branch again for 15 days. In addition, the same situation will be valid for people who have been examined in the same branch before the appointment they have made and therefore their appointment has been found to be empty.

With these two applications, it is aimed to prevent patients from having difficulties in MHRS appointments.

2 new applications from the Ministry of Health against the appointment problem in MHRS - 1


In the statement, it was also stated that the rate of those who did not get an appointment via MHRS was 21 percent in the last 1 month.

In the statement, it was noted that this creates an obstacle for patients in need of examination to access the doctor.

“Within the scope of the new application, when an appointment is made via MHRS, a warning appears before the citizens, ‘Dear citizen, if you do not go to your appointment or cancel your appointment that you will not go to, it will be possible to make an appointment again in the same branch only after 15 days’.

It is important that patients who cannot attend appointments cancel their appointments in order to make room for other patients. The system has appointment reminder or cancellation services both on the website and via SMS and voice call.


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