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Black tea protects from coronavirus – Health and Beauty Guide

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It has been stated that some substances contained in black tea prevent the virus from multiplying and protect it from Coronavirus.

“The Solution for Allergy – Why Do We Get Sick How? How Do We Heal?” Also known as the founder of integrative medicine, Dr. Leo Galland made statements about the measures to be taken against the Coronavirus.

Explaining that Kovid-19 is a disease that concerns not only the immune system but also the metabolism of the person, Dr. Galland said, “This is why diabetics and overweight people are at great risk. Therefore, a diet that will improve your metabolism will be protective. Zinc is especially important. There is evidence for that. Bioflavonoids found in fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices significantly affect your body’s response to the virus. The first thing you need to do is adopt a diet of all-natural foods, including nuts, seeds, vegetables, fish and seafood.” made a suggestion.

Black tea prevents the spread of coronavirus

Underlining that tea is very useful in the fight against the virus, Dr. Leo Galland, “Some of the substances found in black tea rather than green tea prevent the virus from multiplying. Also, you should not drink tea with milk because milk prevents the absorption of what we need. Tea should be drunk as it is. There is also some evidence to suggest that melatonin is beneficial. People who supplement with melatonin are less likely to contract COVID-19. This is probably due to the immune-boosting and anti-inflammatory effect of melatonin.

Black cumin has a protective effect from viruses

Explaining that there are also herbs and plants to be used to strengthen immunity in the fight against coronavirus, Dr. Leo Galland says, “There are also many herbs and spices you can use. Black cumin is one of my favourites. Black cumin, one of the main healthy foods consumed in Western Asia for more than a thousand years, has antiviral effects. Maybe not Kovid-19, but the anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects of black cumin have been demonstrated in clinical trials on people infected with the hepatitis virus. If I had to choose just one healthy food, I would choose black cumin. The most active substances in black cumin are found in its oil. You can buy fresh seeds and grind them. It is quite soft. It has a very pleasant aroma. Substances that cause anti-inflammatory effects are mostly found in oil.

Vaccination and natural treatment should support each other

Expressing that he supports coronavirus vaccines, Dr. Leo Galland, recommending a combination of vaccination and natural nutrition, said:

“I think Covid-19 vaccines will make a big difference in the world. But this will take some time. What worries me here is that many different approaches have been overlooked in this trillion-dollar race for vaccine and drug development. I wrote some articles on this subject and published them on my website. I looked for natural products to help reduce the effect of the virus and prevent contamination. I have used many of these products in my clinical practice. I am very happy with the results I have seen so far. Of course, this is not controlled data. Experience from the patients I treat. Fenugreek is one of them. Curcumin, a spice from South Asia, is another. It is also necessary to add the resveratrol found in red grapes. All of these have significant anti-inflammatory, antiviral and protective effects. We’re going to need both a vaccine and a natural cure. We don’t know if vaccines stop the contagion of the virus. This is one of the biggest problems with vaccines. Vaccines with published data ensure that people do not get sick, do not fall into the hospital, and save their lives. Great so far. However, we do not know whether these vaccines are effective in contagiousness of the virus. I hope this issue will be resolved later in 2021. Natural products are also a part of this process.”


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