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How to respond to a partner who cries during sex –

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Do you see your partner crying during or after sex? This could make you feel guilty and worried about what might be happening to your partner.

The most important thing to do is to keep your cool and have a conversation about it. Don’t pass it by as if nothing happened. Sometimes, your partner crying during sex can indicate emotional issues or reservations they may have about your relationship.

Make it clear that you understand and empathize with their feelings and ask them how you can help. It is important not to rush to resume sex or any sexual activity until you both feel that you have come to a complete resolution of the issue.

  • Ask your partner if he/she would like to stop (the answer can be to continue or to stop)
  • Slow down and notice your partner’s non-verbal cues
  • Stop sexual activity and keep your partner close until he/she is ready to talk/communicate

There are many reasons why someone might cry during or after sex. You should know that there is nothing to worry about, and in some cases, it can even be a sign that there is a healthy and loving relationship with your partner. However, if he/she often cries during sex and you can’t seem to understand why, you may need to talk to a psychotherapist or sex therapist to get help.

Read more:

Why You May Cry During Sex


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