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Strawberry Mask Recipe

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Strawberry Mask Recipe It is a mask frequently preferred by women who want to have a young and beautiful appearance. This mask purifies the skin from dead cells and creates a peeling effect on the face. In this respect, it is an ideal material that those with sensitive skin can also use while exfoliating. It helps to achieve a more youthful appearance as it tightens the skin pores and gives a natural glow. Those who are allergic to strawberries should not apply the strawberry mask, which lightens the color of the spots on the skin and reduces their clarity. For those who want to feel the rejuvenating effect of strawberry on their skin strawberry mask recipes and we give their implementation:

Skin Cleansing Strawberry Mask Recipe


  • 10 strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon cream
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of starch

Construction and Application

After cleaning the strawberries well, crush them thoroughly with a spoon in a bowl. Add cream, honey, starch and milk to the crushed strawberries and mix until it reaches the consistency of a mask. Massage the strawberry mask you have prepared on your face, and massage it for a few minutes, then leave it for 15 minutes to affect your face. Finally, rinse your face well with lukewarm water. When you apply this mask regularly, your skin will maintain its clean and radiant appearance.

Date Mask Recipe

Pore ​​Tightening Strawberry Mask


  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon of milk
  • 1 tablespoon of cornmeal

Construction and Application

Mash the strawberries well with a spoon in a bowl. Add corn flour and milk to the crushed strawberries and mix them all together. When it comes to a dense consistency, apply the strawberry mask to your face by gently massaging with your fingertips. Wait 20 minutes and wash your face with warm water to remove the mask. From the very first application, you may notice that the pores of your skin are tightened and your skin is more taut.

Strawberry Mask for Skin Spots


  • 2 strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • 5 teaspoons of clay
  • 1 teaspoon of rose water
  • 1 teaspoon of honey

Construction and Application

In a glass bowl, mash the strawberries and soften them, then add butter, clay, rose water and honey, mix them well and make them creamy. After the mask is ready, immediately apply it to your face without wasting any time. Leave it on your face until it dries, and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. You can use this mask not only for spots on your face, but also for lightening the color of brown spots on your hands. Apart from that, you can regularly apply the strawberry mask to remove acne spots.

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Strawberry Mask Moisturizing the Skin


  • 4 strawberries
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt
  • 2 teaspoons of honey

Construction and Application

After crushing the strawberries in a bowl, add honey and yogurt on it and mix until the mixture reaches a spreadable consistency. Massage the strawberry mask you have made into your skin and wait for it to dry for 15 minutes. Finally, finish the application by washing your face with lukewarm water. This mask, which can be applied for dry skin, can also be applied to your skin that is dry due to seasonal effects.

Skin Revitalizing Strawberry Mask


  • 5 strawberries
  • ice mold

Construction and Application

Crush the strawberries and extract the juice. Put this water in ice molds and after it freezes, massage it twice a day in the morning and evening until it melts on your skin. This mask can be used for all skin types.

In this article benefits of strawberry mask for skin We shared with you the formulas that you can easily apply at home and be satisfied with the result. We provide according to your skin’s needs. strawberry mask You can apply any of their recipes and you can join the ladies who invest in their youth and beauty with strawberries.


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