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How to Wax at Home?

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How to Wax at Home? Although it is the oldest method used by women to get rid of unwanted hair, it is still an application that the majority of them do. Although it is possible to wax at hairdressers and beauty centers, most women prefer to wax at home for hygiene and convenience. In this article we how to wax at home For those who are wondering the answer to the question, we researched.

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Which parts of the body are waxed?

  • Face
  • arms and legs
  • Armpit
  • Bikini area

In all of these areas get rid of unwanted hair for network use.

What Should Be Considered While Waxing?

  • The first point to be considered while waxing is hygiene. The material, containers and waxing cloth you will use must be clean. Otherwise, you can get a germ.
  • When waxing, be careful on sensitive areas with thin skin, such as the bikini area and face. These can easily become irritated if you beat them too much.
  • The area to be waxed should be clean and dry.
  • Before pulling the wax cloth, you should firmly stretch the area with your other hand. In this way, you will remove the risk of damage to your skin as you can pull it out more easily.
  • Use separate network for each region. In other words, do not use the wax you use on the bikini area or under the armpits on your arm or face.
  • When applying the wax, try to apply it as a thin layer as possible. In this way, the wax adheres better and you can easily remove the hairs from the root.

What are the Advantages of Waxing at Home?

  • When you do the wax at home, you will feel the comfort of being sure of its hygiene, since you prepare all the ingredients yourself and only use other auxiliary tools.
  • You can easily make it with the ingredients in your kitchen whenever you want in the comfort of your home.
  • at home wax It is cheaper to wax than to have it done outside.

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How to Wax at Home?

There are two methods you can use for waxing at home. The first is to buy a ready-made wax from the outside and apply it, and your second option is to make your own waxing material. Preparing for waxing at home it’s pretty simple.

Materials Required for Waxing

  • half a glass of water
  • 3 cups granulated sugar
  • A quarter cup of lemon juice

Homemade Waxing Recipe

Take water and sugar in a saucepan and start heating it over medium heat. Continue to heat, stirring, until the sugar in it dissolves, and then add the lemon juice to the pot. Continue mixing for about 20 minutes until the mixture in the pot has a waxy consistency. Then turn off the bottom of the stove and remove the wax from the pot, use the kitchen counter, etc. to warm up. Let it rest for a while on a marble floor.

Before you start waxing, have a ready-made wax cloth or a clean cloth that you will use for this job at home with you. Take the wax material in your hand and stretch it out, fold it and pull it out again. When you do it this way, the wax gets a better consistency and can be applied easily.

Apply wax to the area to be waxed, in the direction of hair growth. Then, put the wax cloth on the area where you glued the wax and stick it by pressing, and after pulling the skin tight with your other hand, quickly pull it out in one go. That’s all you have to do, do the same for the other areas.

After waxing, you can relax the area by applying bepanthen cream or baby oil. If it is difficult for you to prepare the wax at home, you can also apply it with a ready-made wax that you can buy from the market or cosmetologist.

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How to Apply at Home Ready Wax?

Place the wax box you bought in a container with boiling water. After waiting for a few minutes for the wax to soften, remove as much as you will use with the help of a wooden stick. As we just mentioned, pull the wax piece, stretch and fold it to form a consistency and apply it to the area you want to clean as a thin layer. Stick the wax cloth on it and pull it off.

How to wax at home In line with the information we have given you, you can easily do your own personal cleaning. If you are waxing at home for the first time, you may find it difficult, but since you have a handicap when you do it all the time. waxing at home It will start to come easy to you.


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