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How is skin care done?

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How is skin care done? To have a healthy and beautiful skin How is skin care done? We need to know the answer to the question and act accordingly. When we say skin, the first thing that comes to our mind is our face, but the concept of skin actually covers our entire body.

Therefore, when we say skin care, we should think of all hand, foot and general body care along with our face. We do not complete our skin care by just taking care of our face, our whole body needs care and attention. After clarifying this issue, let’s come to the answer to the question of how to make skin care;

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How is skin care done?

Skin care It consists of daily and weekly applications. Skin care to be applied every day includes cleansing and moisturizing the skin. We should clean our face every day as needed and moisturize it regularly in the morning and evening. We should keep our hands clean during the day, and use detergent as necessary while doing housework etc. we must protect them from harmful substances and do not forget to moisturize them.

Our hands are the most susceptible part of our body to dry and crack, so we need to maintain the moisture balance. As a daily foot care, we should wash our feet at least every evening, and after thoroughly drying everything, we should apply a moisturizing cream before going to bed.

If we apply moisturizer to other parts of our body after taking a nice shower at the end of the day, we will both relieve the tiredness of the day and refresh and we will have done our daily skin care completely. Cleaning and moisturizing should be done on a daily basis for every skin type, because for every skin to be healthy, it must be clean and its moisture needs must be met.

How to Do Natural Skin Care?

In the weekly skin care, there are mask and peeling applications suitable for the skin type, hand and foot care. Just like on our face, we can apply it to our hands and feet at home. natural care We need to do regular maintenance with formulas.

In this way, our hands and feet will look well-groomed and beautiful, just like our face. Once a week, we should exfoliate our body during the shower. When applying mask or peeling, we should use products suitable for our skin type. In this way, we have a healthy and well-groomed skin.

While skin care products suitable for skin type In addition to using it, we should be careful not to damage our skin during the care we do. Especially during the scrubbing process that we perform while applying peeling, we should not beat our skin and massage with soft touches. Otherwise, we may irritate and damage our skin.

What is Peeling and How Is It Applied?

Skin care We should pay attention to the content of the products we use, and we should not try to try every product we hear on our own skin. Especially those with sensitive skin should be more careful in this regard. Skin care products that they use for the first time and do not know the ingredients may cause allergic reactions.

How is skin care done? After answering the question in this way, we underline that skin care should be done not only after a certain age, but also from a young age in order for the skin to be healthy and beautiful and to maintain its youthful appearance for many years.


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