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Mask Recipes for Blackheads

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Mask Recipes for Blackheads One of the biggest enemies of beautiful skin black dots is coming. It is very easy for them to settle on the skin, but it is very difficult to get rid of them. Those who have this type of problem should regularly clean and care for their skin.

Mask Recipes for Blackheads

There are many products sold in pharmacies to get rid of blackheads, and those who wish can use them. In addition, natural care methods that can be applied at home can be used to get rid of blackheads.

If you have this kind of problem, you can do it regularly at home. natural care this can help fix the problem and prevent blackheads from reoccurring. Cinnamon and honey in your kitchen can help you get rid of blackheads. Those who want to try honey and cinnamon mask for blackheads Check out our recipe.

Pineapple Mask Recipe

Honey and cinnamon mask


  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • Half a tablespoon of cinnamon

Mask Making and Application for Blackheads

Put honey and cinnamon in a glass bowl and mix these two ingredients well with a spoon. After the mixture you have prepared becomes a paste, apply it all over your face. Gently massage the areas with blackheads with your fingertips, and thoroughly feed the mask. Continue massaging in this way for about 5 minutes and then wash your face well with warm water.

It helps to clean the black spots on your face and is also effective in tightening your skin pores. In addition, since honey is a natural antibiotic, it prevents the formation of acne to a great extent. When you apply the mask regularly, you will have a clean and problem-free skin.

Egg White Mask Construction and Application

We have another very simple and effective recipe that you can apply to get rid of blackheads. egg white mask for blackheadsIt cleans the oil and dirt accumulated in the skin pores, and also tightens the skin pores. Our recipe for those who want to try:


In a deep bowl, whisk the egg whites and froth. Then apply the egg white mask to your face as a thin layer, wait for 3 minutes and apply another layer. After keeping it on your face for 10 minutes, rinse it off with lukewarm water. egg white mask Afterwards, you may notice that your skin is cleaner and more taut.

Masks that clear blackheadsare natural products that do not harm your skin, although they are extremely economical as they are made from materials found in the kitchen of your home.


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