Many whisper it, many ask for it, many deny it, some enjoy it. The reason for anal sex. A taboo subject for many, a “forbidden fruit” for others.
The point, however, remains. Anal sex was loved by many, but its risks were not. Because there can be great pleasure in this particular way of sexual contact, but the dangers that lurk for health are enough. The demonization of anal sex as abnormal (against nature) often leads to its excommunication. But, regardless of any moral dimension, there is also that of health, which is worth focusing on.
So what is most important about anal sex?
“And in this form of intercourse a condom must be used. This is the most important thing. The anus is not biologically and anatomically made for penetration. Rectal tissue is thin and does not have the same elasticity as the vagina. So there is a chance that it will tear and create a sore, leaving the field open to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
It goes without saying that the condom must be changed absolutely, in case vaginal sex is to follow, to avoid the transfer of bacteria”, emphasizes the Urologist-Andrologist MD, Konstantinos A. Rokkas.
He adds: “According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), anal sex is the sexual behavior with the highest risk for HIV and human papilloma virus (HPV) infections. Men, who do not use a condom and have frequent anal intercourse, run – in addition to an increased risk of STDs – also the risk of prostate inflammation”.
5+2 things you should know but don’t dare to ask
Yes to cleanliness. Correct preparation of the anus before sex is of crucial importance and the reasons are understandable. If you know you’re going to have anal sex, it’s recommended that you avoid eating foods that can cause bloating or even diarrhea. Voiding before contact and thorough cleaning of the area with plenty of water is essential. Some recommend an enema to clean the area completely.
Not in a hurry. The area does not stand up to hasty movements. It is good to have preceded the use of one and then two fingers, so that the anus is prepared for the entrance of the penis. Abrupt and rapid movements can cause pain and injury to the area. Stop if your partner feels discomfort, discomfort or pain.
Yes to the lube. Using it in a “condom friendly” lubricant helps a lot. It facilitates the entrance of the penis, as it lubricates the area. Caution! Experts stress that the use of saliva as a lubricant is a risk factor for gonorrhea in men who have sex with men.
Yes to sex aids. On the market there are special aids for the anal area, in various sizes, which help to get used to penetration.
It’s not for the faint of heart. Frequent anal contacts can cause relaxation of the sphincter and therefore incontinence. Several scientists disagree with this, but research data has shown that there is a possible link between fecal incontinence and anal sex.
There may be pregnancy. There is a prevailing opinion that a woman cannot get pregnant after anal sex. This is not entirely true, as it is possible for sperm to enter the vagina after anal sex. Another reason to use a condom.
It “bothers” hemorrhoids. Anal sex can irritate hemorrhoids in some people. However, it is not likely to cause hemorrhoids, unless there is already a problem.
Does it have any advantage?
Anal sex, however, does not only have disadvantages. There can be intense orgasm from anal penetration. Also, in the event that it is a choice of both partners, it can intensify intimacy and fulfill inner love fantasies.
“In the area of the anus and rectum there are abundant nerve endings, which can make anal sex pleasurable for both men and women,” explains Mr. Rokkas.
“Furthermore, the fact that anal sex is taboo or ‘forbidden’ to some makes it attractive to many. In addition to penile penetration, sex toys can be used. It is important to clarify that while anal sex is usually associated with male homosexuality, it is also common in heterosexual relationships.”
A little more information
According to Wikipedia, opinions about anal sex are often controversial in different cultures. Many religions have prohibitions against anal sex between gay men, and any discussion of it is a criminal offense in some countries, punishable by corporal punishment or the death penalty.
It should be noted, however, that, contrary to what is said, anal intercourse is an erotic act that has been widely accepted for centuries. In fact, in earlier times, women preferred the pleasure offered by anal sex and at the same time preserved their chastity.
“Everyone can do whatever they want in their love life. But the risk of serious infections in this sensitive area is real and needs attention”, concludes Mr. Rokkas.
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