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Are you addicted to sex? See the signs –

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Sex addiction defined as the lack of control over sexual thoughts, urges and urges. While sexual urges are natural, sex addiction only refers to behaviors that become excessive and significantly affect one’s life in a negative way.

Addiction is dependence and in the case of sex, it can be as dangerous as substance addiction.

Sex addicts may change their activities to perform sexual acts persistently, unable to control their behavior despite any consequences.

This compulsive sexual behavior can have serious personal consequences. Like drug or alcohol addiction, sex addiction can affect physical health, mental health, personal relationships and quality of life.

The person with sex addiction has inability to control his behavior. He is in constant search of sex and as a result he has this serious effects on his personal and professional life. At the same time, the dangers lurking for this person are not few. Let’s not forget that the critical ability of the addicted person does not work well, as a result of which he is at risk of getting sick sexually transmitted diseases and other similar situations.

Finally, the person who is addicted to sex ends up seeing sex as the solution to every problem. When he has stress, work pressure or family problems, the person will turn to sex instead of trying to solve them.

Sexual addictions can come in many different forms, including addiction to:

  • Sexual acts
  • Prostitution
  • Watching or consuming pornography
  • Masturbation or sexual fantasy
  • Exposure or voyeurism

What causes sex addiction?

There are a number of theories surrounding sex addiction, some perhaps more specific than others. Although research shows that sex addiction often occurs as a result of the following scenarios:

  • A person who has a strong desire to control (impulsive control)
  • When a person is diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Diagnosed with relationship disorder
  • A person who uses sex as a way to cope with past trauma (such as childhood trauma and/or sexual abuse)

The signs of sex addiction:

  • Obsessive Sexual Thoughts
  • Spends too much time on sex. Sex overwhelms the life of the person who is addicted, in a way that leaves no time for other activities or social contacts. It may also prioritize sexual behavior over other forms of relaxation or hobbies. Relationships with friends, family and colleagues may be severed or troubled because of this.
  • Negligence: Sex addicts often put their desire for sex above family obligations, work responsibilities, and almost anything else not related to sex. This can lead to financial hardship, job loss, and even divorce if the neglect continues to get out of control.
  • Feeling remorseful or guilty after sex: Shame and guilt often accompany most addictions, and this is also prevalent when it comes to eating disorders. The more the person eats, the guiltier they feel. The same is true of sexual commitment. It feels good right now, but after a while, not so much. The kind of “emotional hangover” that a sex addict often experiences after engaging in risky sexual behavior is nothing to be envied.
  • Engaging in Risky or Inappropriate Behavior – Contempt for Risky Sexual Behavior: In some cases, sex addiction can lead to inappropriate and/or dangerous sexual behaviors. This can include sex in public places, unprotected sex, sex with extradited persons, etc.
  • Everyday life becomes one constant and anxious search for sex even online.
  • Constantly watching porn: Constantly engaging in porn and sexual fantasies is another sign that someone may be suffering from sex addiction. This can cause a lot of problems, as real sex often can’t live up to the kind of porn scenarios people see online or on TV.
  • Inability to discuss the problem: If you’ve ever tried to talk to an alcoholic about their drinking, then you’ll likely run into the same problem as a sex addict. You will likely experience the same level of denial and inability to open up and discuss the problem.
  • Committing criminal sexual offences. In some extreme cases, people may engage in criminal activities such as stalking, rape or child molestation. While some sex offenders may also be addicted to sex, there is no evidence that sex addiction can lead someone to commit sex crimes.

Dealing with sex addiction

Can a sex addict change? Yes, although it may require treatment by a medical professional such as a psychologist, psychiatrist or sex therapist. Depending on the underlying cause and how it manifests in one’s personal life, treatment can vary. If sex addiction occurs along with another underlying anxiety or mood disorder, the treatment plan may also include medication.


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