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Common sexual injuries and other risks –

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Friction from rubbing against a rough surface – say a carpet or the floor – can leave scratches and burns on your back, buttocks and legs. Chafing burns can be very painful. Fortunately, most are not serious and will heal on their own in a few days. To avoid one of these, put a blanket as protection.

Some couples use sex toys, such as vibrators, vibrators, anal beads or others, to enhance their pleasure. Others are looking for household items like a cucumber or an electric toothbrush. Playing with toys is completely normal. Just make sure the item you use has a wide enough base so it doesn’t stick.

One itchy rash or burning; after sex can be due to allergy. Lubes, spermicides, condoms, and even a partner’s cologne can all cause reactions in people who are sensitive to them. Rarely, people are allergic to semen. Symptoms of an allergic reaction usually begin about 10 to 30 minutes after contact. They can last from hours to days.

Heart attack: This is very rare. As long as your heart is healthy, there is no reason to abstain from sex. After all, it counts as aerobic exercise, which is actually good for your heart. As long as you can do other exercises like walking or jogging without problem, you should be healthy enough for sex. Just check with your doctor first if you have symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, or an irregular heartbeat.

A quick move in the right (or wrong) direction could set you up back problem sas. Lifting your partner can also make you suffer. Prefer any such movement to be done slowly. Support your partner on the bed or a bench instead of lifting them straight up. Especially if you already have back or lower back pain, be very careful.

Bacteria usually live outside the vagina. During sex, a penis, finger, or sex toy can give these germs an easy path up the urethra and into your urinary system. The signs that you have urinary tract infection include burning when you pee and blood in your urine. To avoid an infection, urinate immediately after sex to wash away any bacteria.

Without proper precautions, you and your partner could pass bacteria, viruses and other germs to each other. Nearly 20 million people in the United States contract an STD such as herpes, syphilis, or gonorrhea each year. Condoms are the best way to avoid these infections. Having only one sexual partner can also reduce the risk.

People with rare condition of post-orgasmic disease syndrome, develop flu-like or allergy-like symptoms after orgasm. Fever, stuffy nose, sneezing, headache and itchy eyes can start within seconds or up to a few hours after sex. It may last for a few days. Doctors don’t know what causes this reaction, but it’s more common in men. If you have this syndrome, allergy medications or antidepressants may help.

Sex should be fun and relaxing, but it’s not for everyone. Some people get moody after sex, even if this was very good. Some people may even become angry and lash out at their partner. If sex is bothersome instead of pleasurable, talk to your doctor or a therapist about it.
To feel one burning in your vagina or penis; it’s never normal — during sex or otherwise. Many problems cause a burning sensation. In women, it may be due to vaginal dryness from low estrogen levels during menopause. An injury, infection or lack of lubrication can also cause burning or pain in either partner. The occasional burn is probably nothing to worry about. But if it happens often with sex, consult your doctor.


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