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The 5 forms of sexual dysfunction in women –

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Sexual dysfunction does not only afflict men. It is estimated that 43% of women experience some form of sexual dysfunction, which makes them feel frustrated and angry, but also that they are not so much of a woman. Evidence from international scientific studies has shown that up to 75% of women will experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse at some point in their lives.

Sexual problems in women can occur in various phases and at any age, although they are usually associated with hormonal disorders, occurring in menopause, pregnancy or immediately after childbirth. These women usually have little to no desire for sex. They may, of course, have sexual desire, but this may be accompanied by an inability to arouse or maintain it, even by an inability to achieve orgasm. Last, but not least, is pain, which many women of young or more mature age feel during intercourse. All this affects the woman’s psyche and by extension her behavior and relations with her partner.

The 5 forms of sexual dysfunction in women

They are the most common forms of sexual dysfunction in women.

Decreased sexual desire: Decreased sexual desire is characterized by a loss of interest in any form of sexual activity. It concerns 33.4% of women.

Disorders in sexual arousal: Sexual arousal disorders are characterized by sexual desire, on the other hand, but by an inability to become sexually aroused or to maintain arousal during sexual activity.

Orgasm disorders: Orgasm disorders concern 24.1% of women. It is a condition in which there is difficulty in achieving orgasm even if sexual stimulation has preceded it.

Painful intercourse: The woman feels from discomfort to severe pain during the penetration of the male molecule into the vagina. This results in her avoiding having sex, because it is not pleasant at all. 14.4% of women feel pain during intercourse.

Sexual aversion: In this case, the woman does not want to have sex at all, she feels repulsed by the idea alone and often expresses her fear of sexual intercourse.


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