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How can low sexual desire in women and men be treated? –

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What are the symptoms of low sex drive?

Sexual desire in women is more complex and more fragile than in men. It’s generally more variable, and women can find themselves more easily turned off, depending on their hormonal status, how they feel about themselves and their partners, and other events in their lives, to say nothing of style and technique. of the partner’s love.

Loss of sexual desire usually manifests as a lack of response to a partner’s urges for sexual activity. Symptoms of low sexual desire may also include sexual arousal disorder, erectile dysfunction, anxiety which inhibits sexual performance, low level of sexual interest, recurrent lack of desire and absence sexual fantasies.

How can low sexual desire in women be treated?

Because female sexuality is multifactorial and involves various combinations of mental, physical, and social factors, there is no simple solution to treating women who have low sexual desire.

There is no magic pill to restore sex drive in women, nor is there likely to be. Perhaps the most effective route is to educate both men and women on how to arouse women. A treatment of underactive desire in women that has proven to be highly effective uses mindfulness to connect physical sensations of arousal with psychological arousal.


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