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What is good for foot fungus and how does it pass? What causes athlete’s foot?

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Athlete’s foot, as the name suggests, is a type of skin condition caused by fungi. Most people suffer from this disease at least once in their lifetime. Just as most fungal species like dark, warm and humid environments, athlete’s foot also occurs under these conditions.

Shoes The feet, which remain in them for a long time, are very suitable for the reproduction of fungi. Especially in working people, staying in shoes for a long time during the day is one of the main factors that cause fungal disease.

The use of narrow and closed shoes, excessive sweating of the feet, not drying the feet after washing, doing sports for a long time and having foot wounds pave the way for the formation of fungi.

Foot fungus is contagious and can be easily transmitted by sharing shoes, socks or slippers with a second person, or by walking barefoot in public gyms, baths and swimming pools.


First of all, the most effective way of treating athlete’s foot is to stay away from environments where athlete’s foot can be infected. By paying attention to foot health, fungus can be combated in the most effective way.

The feet should be cleaned regularly every day, after washing with plenty of water, they should be carefully dried with a clean towel between the toes. In addition, wearing breathable shoes in hot summer months, choosing sweat-absorbent socks, and using antifungal sprays or powders are very important in the treatment of the disease.

After the disease occurs, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist. Treatment Anti-fungal creams and sprays can be preferred for In some cases, the use of oral antifungal drugs may be recommended by the specialist.

Using the drugs regularly at the same time every day will ensure that the fungal disease disappears over time. However, it is essential for the treatment process to comply with the above-mentioned cleaning principles.

There are also many natural methods for treatment. into water that has been heated to a temperature that the feet can be immersed in. vinegar is added and the feet are kept in this water until the water cools down. Over time, it will be seen that the fungi begin to disappear.

Besides carbonate It also occupies a very important place in the treatment of fungi. Again, some water can be heated and carbonate can be added to it and the foot can be kept in it until the water cools down. Carbonate can be added to less hot water and mixed until it reaches a paste-like consistency and applied to the mushroomed area. Such natural methods are among the natural treatments that can be recommended for fungus in some cases.


Since toenail fungus occurs for the same reasons as toenail fungus, the treatment methods are the same. Along with sprays and creams, specialists may also recommend oral medications.

In addition, some nail fungus remedies can also be used for treatment. Feet are well washed. The nail where the fungus is formed is cut in such a way that it does not remain deeply inside. Then the nail is filed nicely and the drug is applied to the nail fungus. The drug should be applied in this way several times a day. In this way, nail fungus will show improvement.

Finally, the most important treatment for athlete’s foot and toenail fungus is hygiene. Wear comfortable shoes and be careful to use a few alternating shoes. Wash your feet every day and dry them well. All products used for hygiene are special, do not share these products even with your family.

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