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What is HPV? What are the symptoms of HPV virus? HPV virus treatment methods

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HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. HPV is the name given to a group of similar type viruses of the virus with this name. HPV is one of the sexually transmitted viruses.

There are more than 100 types of HPV. While some of them cause warts, others can cause cervical cancer. The virus can cause other types of cancer, except for cervical cancer.


The incubation period of the virus varies according to the type of HPV. The virus usually manifests itself 2 months to 6 years after the person is infected. The virus causes warts of different numbers and sizes in the genital area, anus, and mouth in men and women.

Some people experience symptoms shortly after getting the virus, while others may not see any symptoms for years. Condoms are not a sure protection for HPV. Therefore, HPV is an issue that needs attention.


The HPV test is based on examining a smear or tissue sample from the cervix. High-risk lesions can be detected by HPV testing. HPV testing is usually done by women aged 30 and over.


The most successful method used in the treatment of condyloma for men is the burning method. Other treatment options are cauterization, LRRP or laser burning. Warts can be burned as well as frozen, and small warts can be treated with special creams.

For women, the situation is slightly different. There is no effective treatment for HPV virus in women. Treatments are carried out only to slow the rapid spread of the virus and prevent its transmission. However, options vary depending on the type of HPV.

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