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What is infertility and how is it diagnosed? Infertility symptoms and treatment

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WHAT IS INfertility?

Infertility, popularly known as infertility, is defined as the inability to achieve pregnancy despite regular unprotected sexual intercourse for one year or longer.

WHAT IS INfertility in women?

Infertility Although most of the time there are no symptoms, menstrual irregularities can be a sign of ovulation problem. In women younger than 35 years of age, a doctor can be consulted if pregnancy does not occur despite a 1-year trial.

Between the ages of 35-40, a six-month trial is considered sufficient. For couples who want to have a child after the age of 40, treatment is started as soon as possible after the examinations approved by the specialist physician.

If there is a known infertility problem between the spouses, irregular or painful menstrual cycles, genital infection, recurrent miscarriages, cancer treatment or known endometriosis, earlier examination and treatment can be started in these cases.

Many factors must be together for the formation of pregnancy in women. These factors include;

– Expulsion of mature eggs from the ovaries,
– Reception of the egg by the tube,
– Sperm passing through the cervix and uterus and reaching the egg in the tube,
– The fertilized egg must reach the uterus from the tube, settle and develop here.
– Any situation that will prevent this functioning in women can cause infertility.


In men, as in women, infertility can be diagnosed when a child cannot be conceived despite a one-year unprotected regular intercourse.

There are often no signs of infertility in men. However, some may have acquired diseases, hormonal imbalance, enlarged vascular structures around the testicles or conditions that prevent the passage of sperm. Briefly, the following symptoms seen in men may be a sign of infertility;

– Difficulty in the release of semen, low amount of semen released, decreased sexual desire, erection problems,
– Pain, swelling or a palpable mass in the testis,
– recurrent respiratory infections,
– Inability to smell,
– Growth in breast tissue,
– Reduced facial and body hair growth or other signs of chromosomal or hormonal disorders,
– As a laboratory finding, decreased sperm count can be considered as a symptom.

Although the infertility criterion is a one-year regular unprotected intercourse, if any of these symptoms are present or if there has been a previous surgery or disease related to the genital organs, an earlier diagnosis will be made. health institution should be consulted.


Infertility; It may be the case of not having a child at all, as well as being unable to have a child for more than one year, despite the wishes of the couples, despite having one or more children.

to have no children primary (primary) infertilitynot being able to have children again, even if she wanted to secondary (secondary) infertility is defined as. The reasons for both may be the same or different.


Infertility often does not show any symptoms. The most inclusive symptoms that occur in women and men include:

Failure to achieve pregnancy despite 1 year of regular sexual intercourse,
– Irregular and painful menstrual periods,
– genital infection,
– Hormonal imbalance,
– Previous surgeries,
– Chromosomal or hormonal disorder,
– recurrent miscarriage
– Oncological treatment,
– Endometriosis,
– Erectile dysfunction
– Loss of sexual desire,
– Swelling or palpable mass in the testis.


Treatment options vary according to the problem to be detected. Sometimes the problem can be solved by giving hormone therapy to men and women, in some cases by providing ovulation or by a surgical procedure, while in some cases vaccination or in vitro fertilization may be required.

The point that determines the type of treatment here is to find the main cause. Today, very modern techniques are used in infertility and very successful results are obtained.

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