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8 questions that stress men –

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Many men may be bold in sex and look like they know what they’re doing, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have questions. And, in fact, questions that sometimes they don’t dare to ask the doctor about, even if they worry them.

From “normal” penis size to what “normal” sperm looks like, men worry and often look online for answers.

“This is usually seen in young men. They are ashamed to talk about things that cause them anxiety and embarrassment,” explains Urologist-Andrologist Konstantinos A. Rokkas MD.

“But very often what a man is worried about can be something normal that can be easily and immediately treated. Around the male genitalia and sexual function there is lively paraphilology and myths and it is good that these are dispelled by authoritative lips in time.

So let’s see what many men would like to know, but are hesitant to ask.

Can a man break his penis?

“Yes. And it’s very painful. The penis does not contain any bone, but an erect penis can fracture the shafts, which pump blood to the area during erection. If this happens, it is very important to seek medical help immediately, lest you suffer permanent disfigurement or sexual dysfunction,” says the expert.

I feel something in my testicles or scrotum, what could it be?

“Usually it is not something serious, but it is possible that testicular cancer is also hidden. A visit to the specialist will give the right answers.”

Why do I have no sex drive?

Usually the reduced libido is observed in mature men, but this does not mean that youth is directly intertwined with urges and insatiable desire for sex”, points out Mr. K. Rokkas.

“Stress, financial difficulties, relationship problems, but also fatigue or a serious incident at work put a brake on sexual appetites. Of course, because every case is different, only a doctor can tell you how to manage it. However, there are ways and they have good results”.

How do I know my sperm is normal?

“Semen, which is healthy, has a cloudy white or gray color and a jelly-like texture. As for its smell, it is often described as smelling like ammonia or even bleach,” explains the expert.

“Regarding the reproductive potential of your sperm, these are determined by specific medical tests, such as the spermogram.”

I have pimples on my penis. What happens;

“Rashes and small skin bumps on the genitals of men do not always indicate an infection with a sexually transmitted disease. In most cases, this is a harmless symptom that is easily treated. If, nevertheless, you are not sure that it is acne and you have reason to fear that it is something else, visit a doctor for tests”, says the urologist-andrologist surgeon.

Is my penis small?

“This is a very common question that concerns many men of all ages. Let’s not forget that every person grows at a different rate and no one is like the others. However, most penises are about 9cm long when not erect. The average size of an erect penis ranges from about 13 cm to 18 cm,” the doctor emphasizes.

I am worried about the curve of my penis. What happens;

“In most men, the erect penis is straight, although small deviations of 10-15 degrees are observed,” explains Mr. Rokkas.

“Some men are born with so-called congenital penile curvature. The cause is the uneven growth of the sheath, which surrounds the penis, while less often the abnormal growth of the urethra, which is shorter than the penis and keeps it curved downwards. These bends can be mild (up to 30 degrees) and not cause a problem. They do, however, bother many men aesthetically.”

Should I be circumcised or not?

“It is a purely personal matter. However, in circumcised men, the risk of developing urinary tract infections is small. Also, those who have been circumcised seem to have a lower risk of getting sick from some sexually transmitted diseases”, concludes the expert.


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