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7 daily habits you didn’t know are damaging your nails –

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Habits you may not have thought about that could be wearing down and turning your nails yellow:

Leave the polish on for too long: it may seem harmless, but definitely healthier to remove it. The danger with keeping your nail polish on for too long is that the pigment in the nail polish can soak into the top few layers of the nail and dry them out. Especially on toenail polish. it’s a good idea to let the nails breathe for a week or two between manicures.

You don’t wash your hands well: You think you’re washing them, but when washing you reach your nails? Neglecting your nails in the handwashing process could allow bacteria to build up underneath, leaving your fingertips prime candidates for infection. Wash hands with a clean nail brush at least once a day.

Use nails as tools: Never use your fingernails to open soda or soup cans (use a spoon instead), pick up packing tape, unscrew a nail, scrape off price tags, or complete any other task for which a tool has already been invented .

Wash dishes without gloves: Nails swell in water, which can cause problems. Additionally, dishwashing detergent can dry out the skin and nails. Throw on a pair of cleaning gloves to protect your hands.

Clean without gloves: While you don’t want your house cleaning gloves to be the same as your dish gloves, get a pair for each. Exposure to cleaning products could dry out our nails. Tip: Alcohol-based cleaners are the worst.


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