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5-30 minute treatments to shine at Christmas! –

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This year is the first year after two years of strict restrictions that we will celebrate Christmas as we wish, with our loved ones. Revivals have already started to be organized, women are choosing clothes, prepping hairstyles and makeup styles, to look perfect. But are these interventions enough to bring out our most beautiful selves? Not if our face looks tired, dull, dehydrated and with dark circles!

Thus, in search of perfection, the admiration of others and above all to boost their self-confidence, women traditionally look for non-invasive or minimally invasive treatments that they could apply before the holidays to look renewed and radiant.

It is a fact that in recent months the psychological impact of the pandemic, even when the measures were relaxed, had a negative effect on people’s desire to take care of themselves. This climate is turning around and as the holidays approach, the number of those seeking beauty treatments to boost their confidence and become the object of admiration in the days to come increases.

The 8 best beauty treatments that promise to erase the fatigue of the entire year that passed until Christmas are botox, hyaluronic acid, PRP, microneedling, threads, fractional laser, nanopeeling and hydrogel masks.

The evolution of technology has given us the possibility to apply practices and treatments that do not require recovery time and can be carried out a few weeks or even a few hours before the revival or any other important event. There are express programs that allow us to erase the signs of fatigue from the face and enjoy a bright, rested and rosy skin, without dark circles, without wrinkles.


It is the world’s No1 non-invasive antiaging treatment and ideal for the run-up to Christmas as it improves signs of ageing, including sun damage, the effects of gravity. Acting by blocking muscle contractions caused by the chemical acetylcholine present in the skin, it delivers smooth skin, free of fine lines and wrinkles. Its advantages include the minimum time required to complete the treatment (5′), the absence of recovery time and the fact that it can be performed even without anesthesia. The results of botox begin to be seen in 2-3 days and are completed in 2 weeks. They last up to 6 months.

Hyaluronic Acid

Not unfairly, it has been characterized as a liquid facelift, since an experienced plastic surgeon can not only fill parts of the face to add volume, but transform it without altering its features. By increasing its volume by 20 times, hyaluronic acid fills fine and deeper wrinkles. This treatment is a “lunch-time treatment” and does not cause the slightest side effect. The time required depends on the extent of the area to be applied and ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. The first results are immediately visible, while the final volume is obtained in 15 days.


PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) utilizes the healing components of blood to accelerate the natural rate of cell renewal, stimulate collagen production, enhance local blood circulation and restore damage to the skin as it passes through of time. It is carried out by drawing blood, special treatment of the blood and re-injection of the blood into the skin, which hydrates, reconstructs, regenerates its tissues, leaving the face smooth, elastic, shiny and firm, without signs of acne or photoaging. The treatment takes 30 minutes, is completely tolerable, requires up to 3 hours of recovery and results are seen in 7-15 days.


Microneedling performed with the original and most popular automatic digital micro-acupuncture device can erase the signs of aging in 3-5 minutes. The device with which it is carried out looks like a pen with micro needles at one end. These cause invisible punctures in the skin, stimulating the body’s natural healing mechanism and the activation of fibroblasts, which produce collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. And this treatment is performed under local anesthesia, it is bloodless, with zero need for recovery and gives young and firm skin in 24 hours!


Threading is also painless, bloodless and with immediate results. The threads have a very small diameter, they consist of materials that are used to make surgical sutures and are absorbed by the body within 6 months. They are placed under the skin either as a mesh to provide support and stimulate the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, or they have hooks to immediately lift loose skin while promoting collagen production and providing long-term benefit. It only takes 30 minutes to see the first result, which is still improving day by day.

Fractional Laser

With the Laser Skin Resurfacing technique, the Fractional Laser can remove the outer and damaged skin layer and cause the deeper layers of the skin to develop new skin with increased amounts of collagen. To achieve this, it breaks its beam of energy into smaller beams, the diameter of which is smaller than a hair. Fractional laser treatment improves wrinkles by 50-90%, fades the signs of time and photoaging, shrinks enlarged pores and improves acne scars. The skin looks firm immediately after the first session and glows after 7-14 days.


This modern product promises and actually fights dullness, wrinkles, spots and acne scars, removing the outer layer of the skin and bringing new skin to the surface! And all this in 20 minutes, without pain, bloodless. However, it takes a few hours of recovery for the mild redness it causes to go away, without it preventing the return to daily activities.

Hydrogel masks

They are the most enjoyable choice since their placement provides a cooling sensation and upon their removal (20 minutes later) the skin is perfectly hydrated, soft, shiny, and firm. They are especially soothing when used after another treatment that causes irritation or redness. There is a mask for every skin need, made up of different ingredients, but all 100% natural, so there is no risk of side effects. The result is immediate.

Every skin is different and has different needs. Thus, the appropriate treatment is chosen by the doctor, after discussing the benefits to be obtained. Every woman, as well as man, can spectacularly improve the appearance of their skin in 30 minutes and catch everyone’s eyes at Christmas and New Year’s eve.

Thanks to Georgios Velimbasakis, MD, FEBOPRAS, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon for the information.


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